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''see also:'' The [[Incomparable Nine Lions]] (mnyam med seng ge dgu).
''see also:'' The [[Incomparable Nine Lions]] (mnyam med seng ge dgu) and [[Ralung Monastery]]

[[Category:Wylie Indices]]
[[Category:Wylie Indices]]

Revision as of 11:03, 14 February 2009

Seng ge dgu tshar, Works.

Songs and instructions by the 'Incomparable Nine Lions' in the early history of the 'Brug pa Bka' brgyud pa school.

Source: Mnyam med seng ge dgu tshar gyi bka' 'bum: Collected writings on experiences and insights into Buddhist realization by the early masters of the Rwa lung or 'Brug pa Dkar brgyud pa tradition, "Reproduced from the single surviving vol. of a unique ms. preserved in the library of the Hemis Monastery of Ladakh," Chopal Lama (Darjeeling 1985). TBRC resource no. 23930.

1. dpe rdzi (contents of the volume) 1-2.

2. Sangs rgyas dbon gyi gsung mgur gyi rim pa. Songs of Sangs rgyas dbon ras Dar ma seng ge (1177/8-1237). 3-15.

3. Rin po che Gzhon nu seng ge'i gsung mgur gyi rim pa. Songs of Gzhon nu seng ge (1200-1266). 17-25.

4. Rin po che'i gsung sgros bdud rtsi'i thigs pa. Instructions by Gzhon nu seng ge (1200-1266). 27-65.

5. Rin po che nyi ma seng ge'i gsung mgur, in 2 fol. Songs of Nyi ma seng ge (1251-1287). Missing.

6. Rin po che rdo rje gling pa'i gsung mgur gyi rim pa. Songs of Rdo rje gling pa Seng ge shes rab (1238-1280). 67-70.

7. Gnad bsdus pa bdud rtsi'i rgya mtsho zhes bya ba mtshan ma med pa'i rdzogs rim. By the same Rdo rje gling pa Seng ge shes rab. 71-153.

8. Snying po bsdus pa bdud rtsi'i rgya mtsho. By the same Rdo rje gling pa Seng ge shes rab. 155-190

9. Mtshan ldan Spos skya pa'i gsung mgur, in 11 fols. Songs of Spos skya pa Seng ge rin chen (1242-1297). Missing.

10. Rin po che'i gsung sgros bdud rtsi thigs pa, in 12 fols. Presumably the work of Spos skya pa. Missing.

11. Bla ma rin po che'i gsung sgros thugs kyi snying khu. On Buddhist practice, by Spos skya pa. 191-289.

12. Chos rje rin po che Spos skya pa chen po'i rnam par thar pa dri med gsal ba. Biography of Spos skya pa by Penta ba Nyi ma rgyal po. 291-370.

13. Bsngo ba'i yon bshad mi pham chos dpal bzang pos mdzad pa. On merit dedication. 371-405.

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see also: The Incomparable Nine Lions (mnyam med seng ge dgu) and Ralung Monastery