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Ornament of the Sutras [RY]
Ornament of the Sutras [RY]

Revision as of 23:54, 27 April 2021

Ornament of the Sutras [RY]

mahayana sutra lankara [JV]

S trala kara, Mah yana-s trala kara, Ornament for the Mah yana S tras [IW]

Sutra Lamkara. 'The Ornament of the Sutras,' one of the Five Teachings of Maitreya [RY]

S trala kara, Mah yana-s trala kara, Ornament for the Mah yana S tras [by maitreya (tserig) byams chos sde lnga las rgyan rnam gnyis kyi ya gyal zhig ste, drang nges kyi mdo sde sna tshogs pa'i don gtan la 'bebs par byed pa'i gzhung, le'u nyer gcig pa, rgya gar gyi mkhan po sh'akya sing ha dang, lo tsh' ba dpal brtsegs kyi 'gyur la blo ldan shes rab kyis 'gyur bcos byas pa'o,.. [IW]

Ornament of the Sutras; Mahayana-sutralamkara-karika; Maitreya-Asanga, 4th century [RY]

Ornament of the Sutras; Sutralamkara, mahayana-sutralankara, Ornament for the Mahayana Sutras by Maitreya [RY]

The Ornament of the Sutras is one of the Five Teachings of Maitreya. Thrangu Rinpoche explains: "The Ornament of Realization (Abhisamayalamkara) clarifies the Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The next three teachings are general works given to clarify all of Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings. These are called the Ornament of the Sutras (Sutralamkara), Discerning the Middle and the Extremes, and Discerning Dharmas and Dharmata. The fifth work taught by Lord Maitreya truly establishes the Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. It is called the Uttaratantra". (EPK) The Light of Wisdom, Vol. 1, pgs. 222 & 223. (RY)