-antarīya (1) (1151)

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-antarīya (1)
Entry 1151, Page 39, Col. 2
-antarīya (1)¦ adj. ifc. (from Skt. antara), belonging to a different…, see gotrāntarīya, and cf. -antarīyaka; [(2) ? nt. (= Skt. Lex. and Pali Lex. id., Pkt. antarijja; once in Skt. literature, see Schmidt, Nachträge), under- garment: SP 212.12; 213.2 baddhvā (mss. in 212.12 bad- dho) 'ntarīye. But WT cite ms. Ḱ both times as bad- dhvottarīye, supported by Tib. bla gos, upper garment (Skt. uttarīya); doubtless read so.]


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