iñjate (3127)

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Entry 3127, Page 113, Col. 1
iñjate¦ or °ti (= Pali iñjati, iñjamāna), moves, stirs (intrans.); caus. iñjayati, moves, disturbs (trans.); fre- quently spelled in mss. and edd. iñjya-, also ijya- (esp. in Av, often kept by Speyer, as in i.253.9--10 anijyamānair indriyaiḥ, but elsewhere, as i.187.7; 250.1 he reads with mss. aniñja- in the same cliché; these readings are pro- bably only corruptions, but see s.vv. aniñja, aniñjya, and other forms there referred to: na ceñjate balavān LV 259.7 (of Bodhisattva); na ca iñjate bhramati vā 259.20 (id.); an-iñjamānāś ca SP 24.15 (Bodhisattvas); an-iñjamānam (bhikṣum) Gv 84.18; romaṃ na iṃjeya (opt.) Mv ii.408.5, a hair would not be moved (or caus., it would not move a hair; mss. iccheya, but em. proved by ii.411.8); an-iñjamānena kāyena sthito 'niñja- (v.l. 'niñjya-, q.v.) -prāptena ca cittena SP 5.10, and so read (omitting ca; see critical note) 19.14; an-iñjamānena cittena SP 159.6; an-iñjyamānena (see above; vv.ll. °iñja°, °ijya°) kāyena LV 131.2; an-iñjamānair (text sometimes an-ijya°, see above) indriyais Av i.187.7; 250.1; 253.9--10, etc. (in a cliché, see Index); caus., inf.,…me te romāpi neñja- [Page113-b+ 66] yituṃ samarthāḥ syuḥ Divy 185.10, they would not be able to move even my hairs; also iñjitum (caus. inf.), na ca samarthā mama romam imjituṃ Mv ii.340.13 = 341.11 (and cf. 340.17); cf. s.v. iñjitatva. See also next entries.


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