khila (5512)

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Entry 5512, Page 205, Col. 1
(Kila, Kila)
khila¦, nt. (rarely m.; = Pali id., hardness or harshness of mind, produced by the passions [rāga, dosa, moha], or the five hindrances [pañca nīvaraṇāni, = pañca ceto- khilā], CPD s.v. a-khila), harshness, hardness of heart, unkind or unfriendly attitude; in Tib. regularly rendered tha ba, defined by Jä. as bad, by Das as (1) rigid, hard, compact, firm, (2) bad, (3) anger. Usually in lists of vices of all sorts; context often does not suggest precise mg., but note esp. Bbh 8.2 na ca khilaṃ dhārayati, na cira- [Page205-b+ 71] kālikaṃ vairāśayāṃ vahati; AbhidhK. LaV-P. iv.20 cetaḥkhila-mrakṣa-vastu, la cause des endurcissements de la pensée et de l'hypocrisie (cf. Pali cetokhila, above); RP 48.9 citta-khilena, Bhvr., by a person having hardness of heart (citta = cetas); Śikṣ 14.3 (vs) vyāpāda-khila-cittaṃ, a mind (full) of malice and harshness; 16.17 na khila-doṣa- cittam utpādayati, does not produce a mind (thought) characterized by harshness and hatred (doṣa = dveṣa); SP 94.2 (vs) bhikṣūṣu vā teṣu khilāni kṛtvā, or having shown a harsh (unfriendly) attitude to these monks; LV 56.20 (vs) na ca mama khila-doṣo (= dveṣa) naiva roṣo; 162.5 (vs) krodhāviṣṭā khila-mala-bahulā; RP 15.14 (vs) na khila mala na cāpi roṣacittaṃ; Dbh 25.3 krodhopanāha- khila-mala- (see upanāha); in more miscellaneous lists of vices, LV 35.2 vyāpāda-khila-doṣa-(= dveṣa)-māna-mada- darpa-prahāṇāya; 42.5 (vs) vyāpāda-doṣa-khila-moha- mada-; in LV 138.19 Lefm. khilo (m.), with ms. A (other mss. and Calc. khilā, less plausible); 279.8 (prose) Lefm. khilo (m.) but most mss. khilaṃ (nom. nt.) and in corre- sponding vs 280.5 all mss. khilaṃ; 325.15 khilaṃ (nom.); 357.6 khila-mada-doṣā; 365.17 trimala-khila-prahīṇa; Mv ii.295.9 khila- (Senart as separate word!) -doṣa-mohaṃ; RP 10.11 khilaṃ (nom.); Gv 54.7 (vs) māyā-śāṭhiya- khilaiḥ khilīkṛtāḥ, devastated or made powerless by trickery, deceit, and hardheartedness; Dbh.g. 42(68).13 khila-mala- vigatā.


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