khusta (5529)

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Entry 5529, Page 206, Col. 1
(Kusta, Kusta)
khusta¦, and khustaka, f. °ikā, adj. (? cf. khuṭṭa = truṭita, Deśīn. 2.74; khutṭa(a), Ap., Jacobi, Bhav. 42.13; 76.4), ? in Divy 426.28 app. bald (of the head), (tasya tena vyādhinā spṛṣṭasya) śiraḥ khustam abhavat, yadā ca vyādhir vigatas tasya virūḍhāni śirasi romāni (so, °ni); in Divy 173.3 of a garment, app. old, worn, (tena tau kārṣāpaṇau) khusta-vastrānte baddhvā; khustikā, Divy 329.1, 6, of a religious text, in deprecatory sense, app. poor, unsatisfactory, perh. lit. old, worn-out, stale, out-of- date (fem. °ikā): ayaṃ tāvat khustikayā ekottarikayā dharmaṃ deśayati, amī bhikṣavaḥ tripiṭā dharmakathikā yuktamuktapratibhānāḥ, kasmān naitān adhyeṣayasi (read °ti ?); similarly in 6; pw 7.336, mediating between these three occurrences, conjectures abgeschabt for the mg.; Tib. acc. to Dutt, MSV iv.27.1, note, rjub (rdzub?) pa ‘= imperfect’.


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