
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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(bde ba can) - Dewachen, blissful pure land. The pure realm -(buddhafield)- of the Buddha Amitabha. [RWB]

the Blissful Realm / Buddhafield [RY]

Blissful Realm, Sukhavati. The pure land of Buddha Amitabha in which a practitioner can take rebirth during the bardo of becoming through a combination of pure faith, sufficient merit, and one-pointed determination [RY]

Sukhavati/ Realm of Bliss [RB]

Blissful Pure Land [RY]

Blissful Buddhafield, Amitabha's Buddhafield [RY]

sukhavati, paradise in west under Amitabha, blissful realm [JV]

blissful pure land [RY]

Blissful realm, Sukhavati [pure land of Amitabha] [IW]

Blissful realm, Sukhavati [IW]