klong chen pa

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Longchenpa, Longchen Rabjampa [1308-1363) great Nyingmapa master aka drimey oser] [IW]

Longchenpa, Longchen Rabjampa [1308-1363) the great nyingmapa master Longchenpa drimey oser] [IW]

Longchenpa, Longchen Rabjampa [IW]

Longchenpa / Longchen Rabjam, (klong chen rab 'byams). (1308-1363) An incarnation of Princess Pema Sal, the daughter of King Trisong Deutsen, to whom Guru Rinpoche had entrusted his own lineage of Dzogchen known as Khandro Nyingtig. He is single-handedly regarded as the most important writer on Dzogchen teachings. His works include the Seven Great Treasuries, the Three Trilogies and his commentaries in the Nyingtig Yabshi. A more detailed account of his life and teachings is found in Buddha Mind by Tulku Thondup Rinpoche (Snow Lion Publications), 1989. Longchenpa means 'Great expanse.' [RY]

Longchenpa [JV]