rnam thar brgyad
sprul bsgyur [emanations and transformations] byed pa'i sgrig pa las rnam par thar pa brgyad [gzugs can gzugs la lta ba'i rnam thar dang, gzugs med gzugs la lta ba'i rnam thar dang, sdug pa'i rnam thar dang, gzugs med kyi rnam thar bzhi dang, 'gog pa'i rnam thar te brgyad do] [IW]
eight emancipations [RY]
from producing and sgrig pa [establishment, arrangring] sprul bsgyur [emanations and transformations] the 8 rnam par thar pa * Tse [IW]
eight emancipations: the emancipation of regarding what has form to be form, the emancipation of regarding the formless as having form, the emancipation of the repulsive and clearing away hindrances, the four emancipations of the four formless states, and the emancipation of cessation [RY]
eight aspects of complete liberation [RB]
the Eight Emancipations; rnam par thar pa brgyad (Skt. aṣṭavimokṣa): 1) the emancipation of viewing that which has form as form (gzugs can la gzugs la lta ba'i rnam thar), 2) the emancipation of viewing the formless as form (gzugs med gzugs la lta ba'i rnam thar), 3) the emancipation of revulsion (sdug pa'i rnam thar), 4) the emancipation of the mental sphere of infinite space (nam mkha' mtha' yas skye mched kyi rnam thar), 5) the emancipation of the mental sphere of infinite consciousness (rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched kyi rnam thar), 6) the emancipation of the mental sphere of absolute nothingness (ci yang med pa'i skye mched kyi rnam thar), 7) the emancipation of the mental sphere of neither conception nor non-conception (du shes med min skye mched kyi rnam thar), 8) the emancipation of cessation of conception and sensation (du shes dang tshor ba 'gog pa'i rnam thar). Numbers 4-7 are the emancipations related to each of the four formless realms (arūpyaloka) and their respective meditative absorptions (dhyāna). Also sometimes listed as rnam par grol ba brgyad [Erick Tsiknopoulos]