
From Rangjung Yeshe Wiki - Dharma Dictionary
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make, compose [arch] text), perform, do, make, practice, perform, practice, deed, work, action, works (H) [h] hence uusually positive [IW]

make, compose [a text], perform, do, make, practice, perform, [favorable actions], practice, dam chos the holy dharma, action, deed, work, action, don chen gyi mdzad pa your vast deeds| sku gsung thungs kyi mdzad pa his deeds of body, speech, and mind | works, mdzad bzang your good works [RY]

make, compose [arch] text), perform, do, make, practice, perform, practice, deed, work, action, works (h [IW]

1) to do or enact (some action); 2) to ensure, assure, secure, guarantee (the accomplishment of some action); 3) to actively do something (with verb); 4) to activate, initiate, initialize, impel (some activity); 5) provide, supply, issue, furnish, dispense, bestow, impart, produce, yield, bring forth, deliver. This term is commonly misunderstood, and often means to 'ensure' the accomplishment of a certain activity. It is usually not simply an honorific form of byed or 'to do'; and rather often has implications of the agent as a stable power or powerful force, and it is usually more in this sense that the term is honorific. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]