mngon chos kyi sde snod
Abhisamay la k ra, Ornament of Realization [IW]
Abhisamay la k ra by Maitreya, text on abhidharma Ornament of Realisation, Tibet 3786 (gd-mk) [R] [IW]
abhisamayalankara [JV]
Abhisamayalankara [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan zhes bya ba, rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa dang, lam shes pa nyid dang, thams cad shes pa nyid dang, rnam kun mngon par rdzogs par rtogs pa, rtse mo'i mngon par rtogs pa, mthar gyis pa'i mngon par rtogs pa, skad cig ma gcig pa'i mngon par rdzogs par byang chub pa, chos sku ste sher phyin dngos po skabs brgyad kyi bdag nyid can, rgyal ba byams pa mgon pos mdzad pa'i byams chos sde lnga'i ya gyal zhig [IW]
Ornament of Realization, Abhisamaya Alamkara by Maitreya. Abhisamaya Lamkara [RY]
The Ornament of the Sutras is one of the Five Teachings of Maitreya. Thrangu Rinpoche explains: "The Ornament of Realization (Abhisamayalamkara) clarifies the Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The next three teachings are general works given to clarify all of Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings. These are called the Ornament of the Sutras (Sutralamkara), Discerning the Middle and the Extremes, and Discerning Dharmas and Dharmata. The fifth work taught by Lord Maitreya truly establishes the Third Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. It is called the Uttaratantra". (EPK) The Light of Wisdom, Vol. 1, pgs. 222 & 223. (RY)