lag len
procedure, application, handling; ritualistic procedures [RY]
1) work lag thog tu len pa; 2) tradition; 3) grasp w the hand, practice, application, what 1 does, rubrics (actually engage in take in hand [h] phyag bzhes [IW]
tradition, custom, grasp w the hand, engage in, [put into practice, application, what 1 does, rubrics, * [phyugs gso lag len yog ma red: they don't raise cattle/ livestock; gzhi gnas lag len: practice shamatha] [IW]
to take in hand, exercise, practice, process, practical knowledge, rubrics, practicing, putting into practice [JV]
tradition, custom, grasp w the hand, engage in, [put into practice, application, what 1 does, rubrics [IW]
rubrics; application, what one does [actually]. to engage in. to take in hand, tradition. Syn phyag bzhes; practice; to engage in, to take in hand, tradition. Syn phyag bzhes application, what one does [actually] [RY]
1) practice (noun); 2) to take in hand (lag su len pa). The honorific form is [[phyag bzhes]]. See lag len pa, lag len byed pa and lag len byed. Erick Tsiknopoulos