rigs gsum
lha rigs, mi rigs, klu rigs; three enlightened families [of pure deities of relative - appearance] according to Kriya tantra; three families. lha rigs, mi rigs, klu rigs [RY]
the three families: 1) de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs, rdo rje'i rigs, pad ma'i rigs te sngags lugs kyi rigs gsum; 2) nyan thos kyi rigs, rang rgyal gyi rigs, theg chen gyi rigs te mdo lugs kyi gsum,//. three enlightened families [of pure deities of relative - appearance] according to Kriy tantra; 4) *lha rigs*, *mi rigs*, *klu rigs*] [IW]
1) three families of kriya yoga; 2) three kinds [of higher beings] [IW]
the three families [IW]
Three families. The vajra, padma and sugata families. Vajra, padma, and tathagata. When referring to the 'lords of the three families' they are Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, and Vajrapani [RY]
3 families, 3 classes of beings (lha rigs, mi rigs, klu rigs) [JV]
1) The Three Buddha Families, the Three Families: the Vajra or Diamond Buddha Family (rdo rje'i rigs), the Padma or Lotus Buddha Family (padma'i rigs or pad ma'i rigs) and the Tathāgata or Thus Gone Buddha Family (de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs or de gzhegs kyi rigs), also known as the Sugata or Bliss Gone Family (bde bar gshegs pa'i rigs or bde gshegs kyi rigs); 2) the three types of intelligent beings or higher life form: the divine or heavenly type (lha rigs or lha'i rigs), the human type (mi rigs or mi'i rigs) and the nāga type (klu rigs or klu'i rigs); 3) the three dispositions of Buddhist practitioners according to their vehicle: the disposition of Shrāvakas (nyan thos kyi rigs) for the Shravakayāna, the disposition of Pratyekabuddhas (rang rgyal gyi rigs) for the Pratyekabuddhayāna, and the disposition of Bodhisattvas (byang chub sems dpa'i rigs or byang sems kyi rigs) for the Bodhisattvayāna or Mahāyānists (theg chen gyi rigs) for the Mahāyāna (theg pa chen po). Erick Tsiknopoulos