upaniṣad (3717)

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Entry 3717, Page 138, Col. 1
<k1>upanizad<k2>upanizad upaniṣad¦, f., upaniṣā, also written °śā, °sā, °sad (= Pali upanisā, in mgs. 1 and 2; on relation to Skt. upaniṣad see Schayer, RO 3.57 (1926), magic correspon- dence; Renou, in C. Kunhan Raja Presentation Volume, orig. connexion, from upa-ni-sad- approcher…être ou mettre en regard, confronter), (1) cause, basis: AbhidhK ii.106 duḥkhopaniṣac chraddhā, la foi nait de la souffrance (LaV-P.); ii.245 hetu, pratyaya, nidāna, kāraṇa, nimitta, liṅga, upaniṣad are synonyms (Vyākhyā); ib. Index, referring to v.40, mokṣadharmopaniṣad ucchedaḥ; Sūtrāl. xi.9 (base causale, Lévi); Bbh 2.26 (ādhāra ity ucyate,) upastambho hetur niśraya upaniṣat pūrvaṃgamo nilaya (cf. the synonym-list above, AbhidhK. Vy.) ity ucyate; Ud xiii.5 anyā hi lābhopaniṣad anyā nirvāṇagāminī, for the cause (basis) of gain is one thing, that which leads to nirvāṇa is another (same vs in Dhp. 75, with lābhūpanisā); see also under (3) below, and s.v. candropaniṣad; (2) like- ness, comparison (so Pāṇ.1.4.79), chiefly in a frequent cliché, found SP 333.7; 349.3; Mvy 5087; RP 59.16; KP 159.17; Sukh 31.9; Vaj 35.10; 42.7; Gv 542.3; AsP 72.4; 98.11; Śikṣ 187.1; 312.12, 21; Dbh 66.26; Bbh 104.9; 236.22; usually a long formula, ending kalām api gaṇanām apy upamām apy upaniṣadam (or °ṣām, etc.) api na kṣamate (or, nopaiti); sometimes abbreviated by yāvad (e.g. Vaj 42.7; Śikṣ, all 3 times) or vistareṇa yāvad (Bbh 236.22) or without any such phrase indicating abbreviation (e.g. Bbh 104.9); on the other hand, additional terms may be added, esp. at the end (before na…), as dhṛtipadam (q.v.) api RP, aupamyam api Vaj 35.10; AsP (both times but before upani°); Dbh. The forms of our word, besides the regular upaniṣadam, are: upaniṣām SP 333.7 (ed., but most mss. °ṣadam; one °sām api °ṣadam api); RP; KP; °sām AsP both times, and see SP 333.7 above; °śām Sukh; Gv; Dbh; in AsP (both times), as in one ms. of SP 333.7 (above), the item is duplicated, reading upaniśām apy upaniṣadam (72.4 °sadam) api; for the verb, na kṣamate (or pl. °nte) and nopaiti are equally common, while Sukh has the isolated na gaṇito bhavet. Tib. (on Mvy, and acc. to Bendall on Śikṣ 187.1) renders upaniṣad in this passage by rgyu, cause, but this clearly makes no sense. A sort of modulation of this cliché, with nom. sg. forms, in SP 299.13 na teṣāṃ saṃkhyā vā gaṇanā vopamā vopaniṣad vopalabhyate; also Dbh 66.8 (yeṣāṃ saṃkhyā nāsti) gaṇanā pramāṇam upaniṣad aupamyaṃ nāsti. [(3) acc. to Wogihāra, ZDMG 58.454, and Index to Bbh s.v., where [Page138-b+ 71] Dharmarakṣa is cited as authority, the word also means step, degree (Grad, Stufe), and W. finds this mg. in Bbh 144.21 f. This passage reads (18--23) tasyaibhir daśabhir ākāraiḥ kuśaladharmasaṃgrāhakaśīlavyavasthitasya kṣi- pram eva kuśalasaṃgraho bhavati, sarvākārasaṃgrahaś ca: yad uta, dānopaniṣadā śīlopaniṣadā kṣāntyupaniṣadā vīryopaniṣadā dhyānopaniṣadā pañcākārayā ca prajñayā. Clearly the 10 ākāra = the 10 pāramitā (Mvy 913 ff.), the last five being ‘forms’ of prajñā. But I doubt that upaniṣad here means degree, step, or stage; rather as in 1 above, by the cause of dāna etc., on the basis of…, by means of… (4) In Divy 530.21 for (tayā) svopanisad (uktā) read prob. svā pariṣad, her retinue, with note.]


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