a-nilambha (738)

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Entry 738, Page 25, Col. 1
a-nilambha¦ (as if from an unrecorded ni-lambh), (1) adj., independent (Tib. on Mvy 619 brten pa med pa); as such, except in the next following cpds., only noted in Gv; sarvabhavānilambha-jñāna-gocarāḥ Gv 17.13; jñāne…anilambhe nirālaye 30.20; others 37.11, etc.; (2) as subst., n. of a samādhi, °bha-samādhi-pratilabdho SP 424.3, for which Tib. strangely: rluṅ (wind, air) lha buḥi (= devaputrasya), (samādhi) of the wind-devaputra, or devaputra-wind, as if cpd. of anila! (with what?); (3) n. of a kalpa: Gv 446.25. Cf. the following cpds.


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