bka' gdams sgrol ma bcu gnyis
The twelve taras of the kadampa tradition [one gtso bo dmag zor ma two ma gcig dpal gyi lha mo three ma gcig rdo rje rab brtan ma 4) lha mo bdud sol ma 5) lha mo phyag bzhi ma 6) lha mo dus mtshan ma 7) rang byung rgyal mo 8) lha mo nam mkha'i gos can 9) lha mo nam gru ma 10) lha mo tsa nnti ka 11 lha mo ye ka dza ti 12 [[la stod a phyi chos [IW]
The 12 taras of the Kadampa tradition [IW]
The twelve Taras of the Kadampa Tradition. 1) gtso bo dmag zor ma. 2) ma gcig dpal gyi lha mo. 3) ma gcig rdo rje rab brtan ma. 4) lha mo bdud sol ma. 5) lha mo phyag bzhi ma. 6) lha mo dus mtshan ma. 7) rang byung rgyal mo. 8) lha mo nam mkha'i gos can. 9) lha mo nam gru ma. 10) lha mo tsaN ti ka. 11) lha mo ye ka dza ti. 12) la stod a phyi chos sgron [RY]