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1) khyim gyi lineage/ family/ clan rigs btsan po,//pha'i rigs, /mi rigs,//bod rigs,//rgya rigs,//theg chen gyi rigs; 2) row, rank stage rigs,//'bangs rigs,//'gro ba rigs drug //rigs mi mthun pa; 3) subject, content, class, kind, family [skad rigs,//yig rigs,//'bru rigs,//phyugs rigs,//sangs rgyas rigs lnga,//rgyal chen rigs bzhi,//rigs su gtogs pa]; 4) way of composing verse, many shlokas yod pa de bya ba'i tsig gcig gis could all beclarified ; 1) kinds, varieties, types, aspects; 2) caste, bloodline, lineage, extraction, birth, descent, lineage, family, noble, potential, class, gene [spiritual genes], type, category, status; 2) specific spiritual family, Buddha family; 3) Buddha nature; 4) nature, syn snying po; 5) reason (6) certain [in end of sentence it is certain! (7) will understand (8) causal ground (9) possibility, capability, potential (10) philosophy (11) realm syn khams (12) appropriateness (13) gotra, here "go" comes from guna, quality "Tra" means to protect So gotra means to protect the qualities yon tan skyob pa Can also mean potential or seed- born, nature, kinds, varieties, types, aspects, caste, bloodline, lineage, family, class, gene [spiritual genes], type, category, status enlightened-family, cf buddha-family [IW]

1) kinds, varieties, types, aspects. 2) caste, bloodline, lineage, extraction, birth, descent, lineage, family, noble, potential, class, gene [spiritual genes], type, category, status. 2) specific spiritual family, Buddha family. 3) Buddha nature. 4) nature. Syn snying po 5) reason. 6) certain [in end of sentence. it is certain!. 7) will understand. 8) causal ground. 9) possibility, capability, potential. 10) philosophy. 11) realm. Syn khams. 12) appropriateness. 13) gotra, here "go" comes from guna, quality. "Tra" means to protect. So gotra means to protect the qualities yon tan skyob pa Can also mean potential or seed; family, class, type, noble, potential; possible storied/ qualified; enlightened-family. born, nature, kinds, varieties, types, aspects, caste, bloodline, lineage, family, class, gene [spiritual genes], type, category, status. Buddha nature, nature. Syn snying po reason, certain [in end of sentence. it is certain!. will understand, causal ground, possibility, capability, potential, philosophy, realm. Syn khams, appropriateness; family/ (character) type/ kind/ species; family trait - (in sense of buddha nature); reasoning; category; gotra, potential or seed. families. potential; 'phags pa'i rigs - noble potential [RY]

1) lineage/ family/ clan, race, nationality caste, bloodline, extraction, birth, born, descent, noble, potential, class, gene [spiritual genes]; 2) row, rank stage; 3) subject, content, class, kind, type, variety, category, aspect; 4) way of composing verse; 5) status; 6) specific spiritual/ enlightened/ Buddha family; 7) Buddha nature; 8) nature, snying po; 9) reason; 10) certain [in end of sentence it is certain!]; 11) will understand; 12) causal ground; 13) possibility, capability, potential; 14) philosophy; 15) realm syn khams; 16) appropriateness; 17) gotra; 18) [be] OK [IW]

1) lineage/ family/ clan, race, nationality caste, bloodline, extraction, birth, born, descent, noble, potential, class, gene [spiritual genes]; 2) row, rank stage; 3) subject, content, class, kind, type, variety, category, aspect; 4) way of composing verse; 5) status; 6) specific spiritual/ enlightened/ Buddha family; 7) Buddha nature; 8) nature, snying po; 9) reason; 10) certain; 11) will understand; 12) causal ground; 13) possibility, capability, potential; 14) philosophy; 15) realm = khams; 16) appropriateness; 17) gotra; 18) [be] OK [IW]

kula, reasoning, logical investigation, philosophy, it stands to reason that, it is certain, caste, kind, species, tribe, type, essence, variety, nature, realm, status, sorts, modes, ways, lineage, background, family, nationality, action patterns, spiritual heritage, affinity with being, patterns of existence, followers, buddha families, SA rigs chad kyi rigs, de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs, pad ma'i rigs, rdo rje'i rigs, las kyi rigs, rin chen rigs, sad pa'i rigs, breed, culture, spiritual descent, race, relationship, caste, class in society, rank, kind, species, some, certain, diverse, custom, routine, kind, category, thing, race, ethnic group, nationality, potential for awakening, specific qualities, a certain type of person [JV]

rigs rgyud (in sense of "buddha nature") spiritual affinity/ birthright; inborn family trait (in general sense) family/ (character) type/ kind/ species [RB]

kinds, types [ggd] [RY]