gzhung drug spyi'i rnam gzhag

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mchog gling rin po che - Chokling Rinpoche, there are two incarnation lineages. Kela (or Tsikey) Chokling and Neten Chokling, named after the two main monasteries of Chokgyur Lingpa. The second Kela Chokling was named Konchok Tenpey Gyaltsen. After his passing a Tulku was born who died at the early age of thirteen. This Tulku had two incarnations. One is the second son of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Mingyur Dewey Dorje, who came to Nepal with his father. The other Tulku stays in Derge/Eastern Tibet. The second Neten Chokling´s name was Ngedon Drubpe Dorje. He was followed by Chokling Pema Gyurme who passed away in India. The present Neten Chokling is named Gyurme Dorje and was born in Bhutan. [tsd]

Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje was present amongst a large group of incarnate masters, ordained and lay persons in 1978 for an empowerment and transmission offered by His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, of the entire termas of Chokgyur Lingpa at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Boudhanath, Nepal. During this proceeding, His Holiness also included explanatory instructions on Jamgon Kongtrul's The Light of Wisdom (ISBN 9627341371), which is published by Rangjung Yeshe Publications.



Long Life Supplication

Supplication for the Long Life of H.E. Chokling Rinpoche

Om soti
Gyalkün rigkyi chöpen ö-ta ye
Zhingdir chimey rigdzin zhönnü tsül
Rangjung tsoley kyepey gyalwa dey
Jinchen shipey metog chardu pob

Family crown of all victorious ones, Amitabha,
Manifest in this realm as the Youthful Vidyadhara of Immortality,
May this self-existing Lotus Buddha
Shower down auspicious flowers of great resplendence!

Drenchok nga-yab lingpey gyaltsab chey
Mijik desum senge ngaro yi
Tamen ridak tsoknam pakong wa
Gyurmey ngag-gi wangchuk zhabten sol

Great regent of the supreme (Chok) guide Ngayab Lingpa (Ling),
Your fearless (Mi) lion’s roar of the Three Sections
Subdues the hordes of beast-like inferior views.
Unchanging (gyur) lord of speech, may your life be long!

Dechen yeshe chag-gyey gyugar gyi
Rang-gi düljar drelwey kalsang tsok
Zungjuk dorjey sala ug-jin pa
Drubpey depön chok-gi zhabten sol

With your magical dance, the wisdom forms of great bliss (De),
You connect (wey) with disciples who have excellent fortune,
Assuring them of the state of vajra (Dorje) union;
Steerman of siddhas, may your life be long!

Labchen trinley ö-nang bumdel wey
Chernyik dükyi münrum tarjey tey
Lamey ngotsar pendey gatön pal
Chokdü künkyab trozhin zhabten sol

The all-pervasive brilliance of your immense activity (Trinley)
Abolishes the darkness of this degenerate age.
Emanating a splendorous feast of benefit and happiness, wonderful and unexcelled,
Pervading all (Künkyab) times and directions, may your life be long!

Drodül kyebü zhabpey kalgyar ten
Zabsang chö-nga sasum kyabpar drok
Nga-gyur ringluk yargyi tsotar gye
Gelek chokley namgyal tashi shog

May the life of this great tamer of beings last for one hundred aeons!
May the Dharma drum of the Profound Secret resound to fill the three worlds!
May the tradition of the Early Translations swell like a lake in summer!
And may auspicious goodness triumph in all directions!

This was composed with wishes for the long life of the fourth in the incarnation line of Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, by Jigdral Yeshe Dorje on the auspicious Victorious [thirteenth] day of the Ripening [ninth] month in the year that is Delightful-to-All [Wood Tiger]. Siddhi rastu. May it be accomplished!

Chokling Rinpoche’s full name is Chokling Mingyur Dewey Dorje Trinley Künkyab — Supreme Sanctuary, All-Pervading Activity of the Unchanging Blissful Vajra.