klong gyur

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visions (dag snang) of 'jigs med gling pa; Longchen Nyingtig. the Heart Essence of the Great Expanse / Longchenpa. A cycle of teachings revealed to Jigmey Lingpa in three visions of Longchenpa; terma revealed by Rigdzin Jigmey Lingpa [RY]

mind-treasure revealed by Jigmey Lingpa [RY]

Nyingma terma ['jigs med gling pa's dgongs gter] [IW]

Longchen nyingthig, the heart essence of the great expanse [cycle of teachings revealed to jigmey lingpa in three visions of Longchenpa] Nyinma[[klong chen rab 'byams pa - Longchen rabjampa [1308-1363) the great nyingmapa master Longchenpa drimey oser- Longchenpa, Longchen rabjampa (1308-1363) the great nyingmapa master Longchenpa drimey oser; rnying ma'i slob dpon klong chen padri med 'od zer zhes pa dbus lho gyo ru gra'i cha stod grongdu rab byung lnga pa'i sa sprel lor 'khrungs, rab byung drugpa'i chu yos lor 'das, ta'i si tu byang chub rgyal mtshan dangdus mnyam yin, khong gis mdzad pa'i mdzod chen bdun dang,snying thig ya bzhi, ngal gso skor gsum, rang grol skor gsumsogs chos tshan brgya phrag gnyis lhag tsam yod] [IW]

Longchen Nyingthig, the heart essence of the great expanse [IW]

Heart Essence of the Great Expanse, mind-treasure revealed by Jigmey Lingpa [RY]

essence of the mind of Longchenpa, 'jigs med gling pa's synthesis of rdzogs chen snying thig teachings [JV]

Longchen Nyingtig, Heart Essence of the Great Expanse [RY]