ngan song
lower realms/ existences [IW]
evil rebirths, lower rebirths [RY]
[beings of the] lower realms, evil destiny, evil/ lower existences/ states, bad states of being, [IW]
Lower realms. The three abodes of hell beings, hungry ghosts and animals [RY]
lower (state of) rebirth; evil destiny; lower existences; 'lower realms', evil destiny, evil existences / lower states, bad states of being. Creatures of the three lower realms; evil destinies of rebirth, "durgati" Skt [RY]
evil existences, lower destinies, those actually gone to damnation, lower states, evil destinies of rebirth, durgati, lower realms [JV]
lower state of existence [RY]
lower (state of) rebirth; evil destiny [RB]
Lower realms (ngan song): the hells, the realms of pretas (tortured spirits) and of animals. [MR]