Thangtong Gyalpo
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Thangtong Gyalpo (thang stong rgyal po) [1361?-1485]
See also: thang rgyal snyan rgyud - Oral Transmission of Thangtong Gyalpo (in volume one of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's klong gsal teachings). JV; grub thob thugs tig Heart Essence of the Great Siddha.
Short biography of Thangtong Gyalpo
Alternate Names
Primary Teachers
- Doringpa Kunzang Chökyi Nyima (rdo ring pa kun bzang chos kyi nyi ma) [1449-1524] aka Doringpa Kunpang Chenpo
- Tenzin Chöje Nyima Zangpo (bstan 'dzin chos rje nyi ma bzang po) - son
- Mangkharwa Lodrö Gyaltsen (mang mkhar ba brgyud 'dzin blo gros rgyal mtshan)
- Togden Shepa Rangdrol (rtogs ldan shes pa rang grol)
- Gyalse Osel (rgyal sras 'od gsal klong dbyangs)
- Jangsem Kunga Nyima (byang sems kun dga' nyi ma)
Primary Lineages
- Shangpa Kagyu / shangs pa bka' brgyud (thang lugs)
- Nyingma, Northern Treasures (byang gter)
- Sakya
- Chö yul (gcod yul)
Incarnation Lineages
Drubthop Chakzampa Tulkus
- Thangthong Gyalpo [1361?-1485]
- Char Thukchan
- Ja-Kangpa
- Jatangpa Nering Sonam
- Jatangpa Nering Chodpa
- Nering Jatangpa
- Jatangpa Phuntshog [1738-1790]
- Jatangpa Yontenpal
- Jatangpa Oewapal
- Ngedon Nyingpo
- Khyentse Wangpo
- Dewai Dorje
- Jatangpa Zhabkar Tshogdrug Rangdrol
- Jatangpa Ri-ul Lama
- Jatangpa Sulmang Chodgyan
- Drupai Wangchuk Chenpo Rikey Jadral
- Ngawang Thinley Lhundrub b. 1990
Monastaries associated with the Lineage of Thangtong Gyalpo
Drupthop Lhakhang, Thimphu, Bhutan
The Thangtong Dewachen nunnery or Drupthop Lhakhang was founded in 1976 by the 16th Drubthop Rinpoche Rikey Jadrel, considered an emanation of Thangtong Gyalpo, with the aim of promoting Buddhism in general and lineage of Tangtong Gyalpo in particular. Today the nunnery houses sixty nuns engaged in Buddhist study and practice. The nunnery mainly follows the Shangpa lineage of Thangtong Gyalpo and the Jangter and Abham Tercho lineages of the Nyingma School.
Reference Sources
Tibetan (chos skad)
- Author: shes rab dpal ldan; Title: rje grub thob chen po lcags zam pa'i rnam par thar pa ngo tshar rgya mtsho [ in The Collected Works (gsung 'bum) of Thang-stong rgyal-po Volume 1]
- Author: ; Title: bla ma thang stong rgyal po'i rnam thar gsal ba'i sgron me [ in The Collected Works (gsung 'bum) of Thang-stong rgyal-po Volume 2]
- Author: lo chen 'gyur med bde chen [1540-1615] ; Title:grub pa'i dbang phyug chen po lcags zam pa thang ston rgyal po'i rnam thar no mtshar kun gsal nor bu'i me long gsar pa TBRC W23929
- Author: Stearns, Cyrus; Title: King of The Empty Plan: The Tibetan Iron Bridge Builder Tangtong Gyalpo [ISBN 978-1559392754]
- Author: Gerner, Manfred; Title: Chakzampa Thangtong Gyalpo [ISBN 99936-14-39-4] - Download PDF version from the Centre for Bhutan Studies