Shechen Kongtrul
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zhe chen kong sprul
སྐུ་ཕྲེང་། The successive incarnations of the Shechen Kongtrul
- 1st Shechen Kongtrul Pema Drime Lodro (1901-1959) (zhe chen kong sprul pad+ma dri med legs pa'i blo gros)
- 2nd [[Shechen Kongtrul
Main Lineages
Alternate Names & Spellings
Other Reference Sources
- Shedra Legshe Nyida Ling (bshad grwa legs bshad nyi zla'i gling); Founded by Shechen Kongtrul Pema Drime who first invited Botrul Dongak Tenpe Nyima to be the first abbot. After that, Shechen Kongtrul himself, Troshul Khenpo Jamyang Dorje (khro shul mkhan po 'jam dbyangs rdo rje), and Khenpo Gangshar (mkhan po gang shar) held abbotships.