mi skye ba'i chos la bzod pa
Acceptance that dharmas are unproduced; anutpattika-dharma-ksanti [RY]
acceptance of the truth of non-arising, acceptance that dharmas are unproduced, patience concerning the dharma of non-arising [IW]
acceptance of the fact that all entities of reality have no origin [JV]
acceptance of the truth of non-arising, acceptance that dharmas are unproduced, patience concerning the dharma of nonarising [RY]
Anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti (अनुत्पत्तिकधर्मक्षान्ति). Patience toward the non-arising of phenomena, patience for the unborn nature of dharmas, tolerance/acceptance toward the unarisen nature of things, the tolerance/patience with regard to the non-production of phenomena, "the patient endurance of the Uncreate". A key realization on the bodhisattva path. [Erick Tsiknopoulos]