thabs lam gnyis

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Accomplishment of Means and Knowledge. This is one of the Seven Sections of Accomplishment, and mentions this: "The subject, consciousness, fully discerns each and every individual known object. Having fully and correctly discriminated and analyzed through this joining together of subject and object, the nature of all phenomena is effortlessly recognized as devoid of a self-nature. (RY)

Accomplishment of Means and Knowledge. Composed by the Indian siddha Yanlag/Yanlak Mepey Dorje, (yan lag med pa'i rdo rje), himself a disciple of Mahasuka Natha (dgon po bde ba chen po). (RY)

One of the Seven Sections of Accomplishment, which are seven scriptures composed by Indian mahasiddhas: Accomplishment of Secrets, written by Mahasuka Natha; the Accomplishment of Means and Knowledge written by Mahasuka Natha's disciple, Yenlak Meypey Dorje; Accomplishment of Wisdom, written by Yenlak Meypey Dorje's disciple Indrabhuti; Accomplishment of Nonduality, written by Indrabhuti's consort Lakshmikara; Accomplishment of the Innate, written by Dombi Heruka; Accomplishment of the Great Secret Thatness written by Darikapa; and Accomplishment of Thatness to Clearly Encompass Reality, written by Yogini Chito. (JOKYAB) (RY) from The Light of Wisdom, Vol. 1, pg. 218