'od gsal chos sku'i ngang

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Ten signs of inner radiance [smoke etc] [Longchenpa, phyogs bcu mun sel p (344: smoke du ba mirage smig rgyu clouds sprin fire-flies me khyer sunlight nyi ma moonlight zla ba the blazing of gemstones rin po che 'bar ba eclipse sgra gcan starlight skar ma and rays of light 'od zer [IW]

10 signs of inner radiance [smoke etc] [R] [IW]

Ten Signs of Inner Radiance. These are enumerated in Longchenpa, phyogs bcu mun sel p. 344, as smoke du ba, mirage smig rgyu, clouds sprin, fire-flies me khyer, sunlight nyi ma, moonlight zla ba, the blazing of gemstones rin po che 'bar ba, eclipse sgra gcan, starlight skar ma, and rays of light 'od zer [RY]

10 signs of inner radiance [IW]