mtshan nyid sde gsum
three classes of dialectics; nyan thos, rang rgyal, byang chub sems dpa' -- those of the pious attendants, self-centred buddhas, and bodhisattvas) (gd-mk) [IW]
three classes of dialectics; nyan thos rang rgyal byang chub sems dpa' those of the pious attendants, self-centred buddhas, and bodhisattvas) (gd-mk) OR the three [yanas] of characteristics [nyingma: nyan thos, rang rgyal, byang sems: as for mtshan nyid sde gsum, since abandoning the cause of suffering karma and kleshas leads to liberation, they are called kun 'byung 'dren pa'i theg pa. [IW]
three classes of dialectics. nyan thos, rang rgyal, byang chub sems dpa' Those of the pious attendants, self-centered buddhas, and bodhisattvas [RY]
the three [yanas] of characteristics [nyingma: nyan thos dang, rang rgyal, byang sems: mtshan nyid sde gsum ni, rgyu kun 'byung las dang nyon mongs pa rnams by abandoning since it leads to liberation kun 'byung 'dren pa'i theg pa zhes bya. [IW]
the three [yanas] of characteristics * three classes of dialectics [IW]