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internal form; Comment: This is one of the two divisions of form (gzugs, rUpa): internal form (nang gi gzugs) and external form (phyi'i gzugs).  +
Comment: This is one of the two divisions of matter (bem po, kanthA); the other is external matter (phyi'i bem po).  +
Check tenses. Thumi, p.168, has: 'phro / 'phro ('phros) / phro / phros (T)  +
Comment: Same as (rang 'byor lnga). (PH) I added the Tibetan from Gön-chok-jik-may-w#ang-b#o  +
Is nang nub supposed to be repeated in Entry?? (T)  +
Comment: a big black bird that sweeps down on rabbits or small sheep and carries them away  +
mAna; Comment: This is one of the six root afflictions (rtsa nyon, mUlakleza): desire ('dod chogs, rAga); (2) anger (khong khro, pratigha); (3) pride (nga rgyal, mAna); (4) ignorance (ma rig pa, avidyA); (5) doubt (the tshom, vicikitsA); (6) afflicted view (lta ba nyon mongs can, kliSTa-dRSTi). NAgArjuna mentions seven prides in his Precious Garland, stanzas 407-412: pride of selfhood (bdag nyid nga rgyal), exceeding pride (lhag pa'i nga rgyal), pride beyond pride (nga rgyal las kyang nga rgyal), pride of thinking I (nga'o snyam pa'i nga rgyal), pride of conceit (mngon pa'i nga rgyal), erroneous pride (log pa'i nga rgyal), pride of inferiority (dman pa'i nga rgyal).  +
pride beyond pride; Comment: This is one of seven prides which NAgArjuna mentions in his Precious Garland, stanzas 407-412: pride of selfhood (bdag nyid nga rgyal), exceeding pride (lhag pa'i nga rgyal), pride beyond pride (nga rgyal las kyang nga rgyal), pride of thinking I (nga'o snyam pa'i nga rgyal), pride of conceit (mngon pa'i nga rgyal), erroneous pride (log pa'i nga rgyal), pride of inferiority (dman pa'i nga rgyal).  +
Comment: This is one of seven prides which NAgArjuna mentions in his Precious Garland, stanzas 407-412: pride of selfhood (bdag nyid nga rgyal), exceeding pride (lhag pa'i nga rgyal), pride beyond pride (nga rgyal las kyang nga rgyal), pride of thinking I (nga'o snyam pa'i nga rgyal), pride of conceit (mngon pa'i nga rgyal), erroneous pride (log pa'i nga rgyal), pride of inferiority (dman pa'i nga rgyal).  +
Comment: This is the second of the six stages of the completion stage in the GuhyasamAja system of Highest Yoga Tanta: physical isolation (lus dben), verbal isolation (ngag dben), mental isolation (sems dben), illusory body (sgyus lus), clear light ('od gsal), union (zung 'jug).  +
Comment: He is a Kalkha Mongolian Ge-luk-b#a who studied at both Go-mang and L#o-s#el-l#ing; author of Explanation of the Meaning of the Conventional and the Ultimate in the Four Tenet Systems (grub mtha' bzhi'i lugs kyi kun rdzob dang don dam pa'i don rnam par bshad pa) (New Delhi: Lama Guru Deva, 1972) and so forth  +
Comment: The three are hell-being (dmyal ba), hungry ghost (yi dwags), and animal (dud 'gro).  +
English and Others' entries were separated by a period by the latter had no source identification? See previous record about tenses (T)  +
Comment: This type of etymology is usually done by creatively adding (bsnan), changing (phyis), and/or deleting (phyis) letters, whereas such is usually not done in a stricter etymology (sgra bshad).  +
Comment: This is equivalent to path of preparation (sbyor lam, prayogamArga).  +
Comment: This type of etymology is usually done by creatively adding (bsnan), changing (phyis), and/or deleting (phyis) letters, whereas such is usually not done in a stricter etymology (sgra bshad).  +
Comment: See ngo tsha shes pa.  +