kun gzhi'i ye shes

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1) Samantabhadra; 2) kun bzang mt.; 3) all-positive/good, ever excellent, always kind; 4) the nam mkha'i mdzod mantra [IW]

abbr. of kun tu bzang po. 1) all-positive, all-good, ever-excellent, ever-perfect, always kind. 2) the primordial buddha Samantabhadra. epith. of Buddha. 3) the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. 4) the nam mkha'i mdzod kyi sngags. 5) Gamelina arborea [RY]

all-positive (being is always good, positive, healthy), Samantabhadra, SA kun tu bzang po, the all-god, epithet of buddha, bon sage and teacher, always good, wholly positive [JV]

all-positive/ positive in every way/ wholly positive; Samantabhadra; isc. "the wholly positive" [RB]

1) Samantabhadra [primordial buddha of the body of reality kun tu bzang po also a bodhisattva]; 2) kun bzang mt. [mtsho sngon zhing chen khongs mtsho byang bod rigs rang skyong khul gyi rkang tsae rdzong] (3), all-positive/good, ever excellent, always kind; 4) the nam mkha'i mdzod mantra) [IW]