dpal spungs kyi gdan sa
blazing with splendor, rising glory, torch [RY]
blazing w splendor, rising glory, torch[light] dpal 'bar [district E T] [IW]
1) blazing w brilliance/ splendor or perfection, rising glory; 2) torch w oil-soaked cloth, grass, wood; 3) dpal 'bar Rdzong [in NE Tibet and above the rgyal mo rngul chu, ruled from rdo dmar thang], torchlight [IW]
torch, blazing splendor [JV]
county in 21th cent Tibet. [RY]
flame of the glorious one; refers the flames of Maha Shri Heruka (dpal chen he ru ka). The flame of the glorious one is a lamp (lam sel), which dispels obstacles when carrying the residual torma out of the temple. It is like a torch light, which dispels the darkness and illuminates the path (lam sel) at night while walking outside. The dpal 'bar keeps obstacles and thieves of the residual torma away [RY]
1) blazing w brilliance/ splendor or perfection, rising glory; 2) torch w oil-soaked cloth, grass, wood; 3) dpal 'bar Rdzong *, torchlight [IW]