-aṃśika (4)

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Entry 4, Page 1, Col. 1
<k1>aMSika<k2>-aMSika -aṃśika¦ (cf. 1 aṃśa, 2), ifc., belonging to the part of; pertaining to; sometimes with vṛddhi of first syllable of prior member of cpd.: maraṇāṃśika Mvy 5345, upa- pattyaṃśika 5346, belonging to (the part of) death, birth; Tib. char gtogs pa, included in the division of (Das); aupa- pattyaṃśika = upa° Śikṣ 226.7 ff. (Śāl 87.10 ff.); 253.3, 5. Equivalent to -aṃśika are -antika in māraṇāntika Śikṣ 226.7 ff. (same passage Śāl) and -aṅgika in aupa- pattyaṅgika Laṅk 277.6 (said of citta). It is natural to suspect that corruption of tradition is responsible for one or two of these. But (1) all can be plausibly explained as of independent origin; (2) -aṃśika is well authenticated, while -antika is supported by Pali (māraṇantika Miln. 48.11).


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