a-bhūmi (1712)

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Entry 1712, Page 60, Col. 1
<k1>aBUmi<k2>a-BUmi ? a-bhūmi¦, adj. (or read or understand a-bhūmyam, neg. of bhūmya, q.v.?), non-terrestrial, i.e. celestial, supernal: Mv i.72.9 (vs) vartayiṣyi varacakram abhūmi, I shall start turning the celestial excellent wheel (of the Law). So one ms.; the rest abhūṣi (which makes no sense); Senart em. adbhutaṃ, which is violent, and metrically impossible. PTSD alleges a Pali abhumma, groundless, unfounded, unsubstantial, Jāt v.178.11; vi.495.23; but CPD rejects this word and reads abhuṃ me in both passages.


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