upasaṃharati (3803)

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Entry 3803, Page 142, Col. 1
<k1>upasaMharati<k2>upasaMharati upasaṃharati¦, rarely °te (cf. prec. and °hāra; use in Pali needs more careful definition than Dictt. have given; the only Skt. use pertinent to BHS uses here cited seems to be collect, as in Mbh. Cr. ed. 1.186.4 dravyāṇy anekāny upasaṃjahāra, collected many things of value; we begin with passages closest to this), (1) collects (as in Skt., above), annajātam upasaṃhṛtya Jm 31.7; (2) brings together, provides for someone: (pañca cāsya kāmaguṇān asadṛśān) upasaṃharati sma LV 186.20, and he (Śuddho- dana) provided for him (the Bodhisattva; pw, strangely, als Beispiel herbeiholen) incomparable (specimens of the) five objects of sense; sarvaratikrīḍāś copasaṃhartavyā(ḥ) LV 193.1 (same situation); (glānopasthāna…)-kriyayā premagauravaprasādopasaṃhṛtayā Bbh 239.22, provided (tendered) with affection etc.; kiṃcid eva mātram upasaṃ- hariṣyāmaḥ Prāt 500.2 (and upasaṃharet 4), we will provide a little something (recompense, present) for you; dṛṣṭibandhanabaddhānāṃ prajñāśastram upasaṃhartu- kāmaḥ Gv 492.8, wishing to furnish the knife of knowledge for those bound in the bonds of heresy; this shades over into (3) produces, effects, brings about, often as in prec. with gen., for…: Bbh 27.(9--)10 (tatra bodhisattvo yad eva hitapakṣyaṃ sukhaṃ, tad eva) sattvānām upasaṃ- haret, na tv ahitapakṣyam; Gv 459.16 apramāṇāni sattva- sukhāny upasaṃhartavyāni, must be effected (here, instead of gen., sattva- as prior member of cpd.); Bbh 15.24 na pramādasthānam asyopasaṃharati, and he does not produce (cause, make) for him any occasion for heedlessness; Bbh 123.11 (na madgubhāvam, so read with ms.) asyopasaṃ- harati, and he does not cause any annoyance to him (a petitioner, beggar); SP 285.9 and 11 (na…) kaukṛtyam upasaṃharati, (a Bodhisattva) does not produce (cause) regret (remorse, troubled feelings, see kaukṛtya; sc. in others); similarly KP 3.6 (vs) pareṣu kaukṛty' upasaṃha- ranti; Tib. renders verb by ñer (= near, rendering preverb upa) sgrub (produce); Suv 102.17 (ahaṃ…Sarasvatī… dharmabhāṇakabhikṣor)…pratibhāṇam upasaṃhari- ṣyāmi; Dbh 72.(10--)11 (pūjayati sarvākāra-)pūjābhinirhā- raṃ copasaṃharati,…and makes an accomplishment of homage of all forms (to Buddhas); (4) esp. with the object something said, produces (stories, sacred utterances, etc.), tells: SP 123.8 (tathāgato…tāṃs-) tān dharmaparyāyān upasaṃharati, tāṃ-tāṃ dharmakathāṃ kathayati…; SP 283.13 (subj. a preacher) upasaṃharec citrakathāṃ (so, or kathān, mss.); in Mvy 6272 vividhasaṃmodanakathām upasaṃhṛtya, so prob. read with v.l. in both edd., text of both upasaṃskṛtya; Tib. byas nas, having made; produces or presents (orally), recites (as, a sacred stanza), Divy 489.8 te upasaṃharanti (sc. the verse cited above, 2--5); Gv 251.22 (dharmaṃ deśayamānān…vijñāpaya- mānān) upasaṃharamāṇān (mid. = act., proclaiming) apaśyat; (5) adduces (verbally), mentions, describes, brings up, refers to: Sukh 4.8 (tathāgateṣu…) jñānadarśanam upasaṃharet, one might adduce (describe; but Müller, pile up); Divy 359.18 (katham…) tathāgatamāhātmyeṣu śrāvakam upasaṃharasi, how can you speak of (adduce) a disciple?; Śikṣ 211.2 (after contemplation of decomposed corpses; sa imam eva kāyaṃ) tatropasaṃharati, ayam api kāya evaṃdharmā evaṃsvabhāvaḥ, he speaks of (adduces) this very (living) body in this connection, saying, this body too is of the same nature.


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