(-)upaka, (1) (3621)

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(-)upaka, (1)
Entry 3621, Page 133, Col. 1
(upaka, (-)upaka)
(-)upaka, (1)¦ at end of cpds. (= Pali -upaka, -ūpaka, °ikā f.; BHS also has equivalent -upaga, q.v.), pertaining, belonging to…; suitable, appropriate (to)…; fit (for)…; like: Vaj. fragment in Pargiter ap. Hoernle MR 180.3--4 naivasaṃjñānopakā(ḥ), haplog. for naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñā- yatanopakāḥ, which read, belonging to the… (= °yatano- pagāḥ Dharmas 129, see -upaga; Vaj. ed. 20.18--19 reads naivasaṃjñino nāsaṃjñino, a secondary recast); kulopaka (= Pali kulūpaka), lit. belonging to a family, = family associate, said of a monk who is regularly supported by a certain family, Mv i.244.12 (tasya yo mātāpitṛṇāṃ, so mss., Senart em. °tṝṇāṃ) bhikṣu kulopako āsi; (in Av ii.67.9 replaced by kulopagata, q.v.; in Mv iii.453.3 wrongly read by em. in text, see s.v. kalopī;) also, by extension, said of the houses visited by such monks, Divy 307.2 kulopaka- (mss. kulopa-) gṛheṣu gatvā, and 3 te kulopakagṛhāṇy upasaṃkrāntāḥ; prob. by analogy with this word Mv iii.372.16 prajñopaka (em. for ājñop°, ājñāp°; context makes em. seem quite certain), dependent on prajñā, (śīlaṃ śiriṃ [so mss.] caiva kṛtajñatā ca) prajñopakā tu pravarā bhavanti, but (the virtues of) morality, majesty, and gratitude are excellent (but) subordi- nate to prajñā; akāryopaka, not fit for use, KP 131.2 anarghaṃ vaiḍūryamahāmaṇiratnam uccāre patitam akār- yopakaṃ bhavati; yathopakam, adv., according to what is fitting, Mv iii.257.6; 272.4 (after a seat of honor has been provided for the Buddha) °kaṃ ca bhikṣusaṃghasya, and (seats) for the assembly of monks according to propriety (i.e. relative rank); nirupaka, apparently adj., without a correspondent or match, peerless, unequalled, Gv 301.11 (vs) dharmaś ca me nirupakāyu (i.e. nirupaka = °kaḥ [Page133-b+ 71] plus ayu = ayaṃ) śrutaḥ; (2) (= Pali id.) n. of a Ājīvaka, with whom Buddha conversed while going to Benares to deliver his First Sermon: Mv iii.325.12 ff. (note esp. 326.20 tasmād ahaṃ upaka jino, a line which elsewhere contains the form Upaga, q.v.); (3) n. of a purohita's son in the Upāli-Gaṅgapāla Jātaka: Mv iii.184.1 ff.; corresponds to the character Aḍḍhamāsaka in the Pali Gaṅgamāla Jāt., see DPPN.


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