'bri klog thos bsam sgom pa
1597-1659 - Drigung Chungtsang Chokyi Drakpa. (RY)
Drigung Father and Son are the senior and the junior incarnates of Drigung Monastery, Drigung Chetsang (che tshang) and Chungtsang (chung tshang). The former was here Drigung Kyabgön Tendzin Padma Gyaltsen ('bri gung skyabs mgon bstan 'dzin pad ma rgyal mtshan, born in 1770), the twenty-seventh hierarch of Drigung and the reincarnation of Jigten Gonpo ('jig rten mgon po, 1143-1217). The latter was the reincarnation of Drigung Rigdzin Chökyi Trakpa ('bri gung chung tshang rig 'dzin chos kyi grags pa, 1597-1659). See Tendzin Pemai Gyaltsen's Account of the Various Masters of the 'bri gung bka' brgyud pa School. About their authority over Lapchi, see LNY and chap.11, pgs. 342-343, note 10 in (MR-ShabkarNotes)