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Lotsawa Workbench The Lotsawa Workbench is an initiative of the Tsadra Foundation research department. Currently, this is just a test and we welcome any comments and suggestions. We hope to invite collaboration from users and stakeholders from Dharma groups as well as academia. Please contact us if you are interested in developing this project with us: research AT tsadra DOT org.

kun gzhi rnam shes

The information below is kindly provided by the following translation teams and projects: 84000, Tsadra Foundation.

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Date Author/Translator Book Wylie Meaning
2018 {{#arraymap: Bernert, C.;Chödung Karmo Translation Group;Rong ston shes bya kun rig ; @@@ @@@


Perfect or Perfected? Rongtön on Buddha-Nature {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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The ālayavijñāna or all-base consciousness is the eighth type of consciousness in the eight-consciousness model of the mind according to Yogācāra. It is comprised of two aspects: the seed part (sa bon gyi cha), which is the causal aspect that will produce future results, and the maturation part (rnam smin gyi cha), which is the resultant aspect of the produced experience.

2015 {{#arraymap: Wallace, A.;Bdud 'joms gling pa ; @@@ @@@


Dudjom Lingpa's Visions of the Great Perfection Vol. 1 {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālaya vijñāna
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{{#arraymap: substrate consciousness
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An ethically neutral, inwardly directed state of consciousness, free of conceptualization, in which appearances of self, others, and objects are absent. suchness (Tib. de bzhin nyidSkt. tathatd). The ineffable realityofemptiness; the ultimate nature of all phenomena.

2014 {{#arraymap: Bernert, C.;Westwood, P.;Chödung Karmo Translation Group;Go rams pa bsod nams seng ge ; @@@ @@@


Distinguishing the Views {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālaya-vijñāna
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{{#arraymap: all-base consciousness
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This is the consciousness containing the latencies through which the results of karma arise from life to life. It is accepted only by the Mahāyāna schools (Madhyamaka and Cittamātra).

2011 {{#arraymap: Roberts, P. ; @@@ @@@


Mahāmudrā and Related Instructions {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi,kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālaya
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Literally ālaya means a dwelling or abode, as in Himālaya, the "abode of snows." It is translated into Tibetan as kun gzhi, which means "basis of everything." However, it primarily relates to the separate mind or continuum of an individual and not a shared universal foundation. The concept existed in early Buddhism as an explanation of why an individual does not cease to exist when consciousness stops and was termed bhavanga in the Theravāda tradition. The ālaya later became an explanation, particularly in the Cittamātra tradition, for where karmic seeds are stored and was considered the source of an individual's mentally produced experiences. It is usually synonymous with the ālaya consciousness, which is the neutral basis for samsara and which ceases upon liberation

2009 {{#arraymap: Chávez, A.;Jackson, R.;Sopa, Lhundub;Tukwan, 3rd ; @@@ @@@


The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: mind-basis-of-all
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Among Cittamātrins following scripture, a foundational or “storehouse” consciousness that is the source of the other seven consciousnesses (six sense consciousnesses and a deluded consciousness) as well as their objects. It is the carrier of various cognitive and affective tendencies as well as of the seeds of karma, and it will be transformed at enlightenment into the gnosis of a buddha.

2006 {{#arraymap: Barron, R.;Fairclough, S.;Bdud 'joms gling pa ; @@@ @@@


Buddhahood Without Meditation {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālaya-vijñāna
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{{#arraymap: consciousness as the ground of all ordinary experience
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rudimentary consciousness caused by the subtle energy of karma being aroused due to the nonrecognition of intrinsic awareness [all-ground consciousness (cs); store consciousness (GL); stratum-bound perceptivity (KB); fundamental consciousness (MW); consciousness of the all-pervasive ground (NJ, PC); consciousness of the ground of all (NS)]

2003 {{#arraymap: Kalu Rinpoché Translation Group;McLeod, I.;'jam mgon kong sprul ; @@@ @@@


Myriad Worlds (2003) {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālaya-vijñāna
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{{#arraymap: fundamental consciousness
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1997 {{#arraymap: Montenegro, M.;Kalu Rinpoche ; @@@ @@@


Luminous Mind {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: foundationd consciousness
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1996 {{#arraymap: Hopkins, J. ; @@@ @@@


Meditation on Emptiness (1996) {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: mind-basis-of-all
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1989 {{#arraymap: Cozort, Daniel ; @@@ @@@


Unique Tenets of the Middle Way Consequence School Dissertation {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: mind-basis-of-all
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1989 {{#arraymap: Sopa, Lhundup;Hopkins, J. ; @@@ @@@


Cutting Through Appearances {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: mind-basis-of-all
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1983 {{#arraymap: Hopkins, J.;'jam dbyangs bzhad pa'i rdo rje ; @@@ @@@


Meditation on Emptiness (1983) {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: mind-basis-of-all
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{{#arraymap: ; @@@ @@@


Lumière de diamant {{#arraymap: {{#arraymap: kun gzhi rnam shes ; @@@ @@@ ,


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{{#arraymap: ālayavijñāna
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{{#arraymap: conscience base universelle/fondamentale
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