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English shall not look on the plate of the gelong that sits by me with an intention of upbraiding him (reproaching)
Chinese 近坐比丘缽盂勿得顧笑,不輕慢心觀比坐鉢中食
Sanskrit (dev) नावध्यान-प्रेक्षिणो ऽन्तरिकस्य भिक्षोः पात्रम् अवलोकयिष्यामः
Sanskrit (translit) nāvadhyāna-prekṣiṇo 'ntarikasya bhikṣoḥ pātram avalokayiṣyāmaḥ
Sanskrit (Tibetanized) ནཱ་བ་དྱཱ་ན་པྲེ་ཀྵི་ཎྱོནྟ་རི་ཀ་སྱ་བྷི་ཀྵོཿ་པཱ་ཏྲ་མ་བ་ལོ་ཀ་ཡི་ཥྱཱ་མཿ།

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