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English shall not, while standing, give any religious instruction to one that is sitting except if he is sick
Chinese 無病坐立處不可說法,人坐己立不為說法除病,不得立而為坐者說法除病
Sanskrit (dev) नोत्थितो निषण्णायाग्लानाय धर्मं देशयिष्यामः
Sanskrit (translit) notthito niṣaṇṇāyāglānāya dharmaṁ deśayiṣyāmaḥ
Sanskrit (Tibetanized) ནོཏྠི་ཏོ་ནི་ཥཎྞཱ་ཡཱ་གླཱ་ནཱ་ཡ་དྷརྨནྡེ་ཤ་ཡི་ཥྱཱ་མཿ།

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