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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie nges 'byung sgrub pa brgyad
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The eight definitely occuring achievements; definitely occuring achievement to:\n1. {ched du bya ba gsum du nges par 'byung ba/} the three great objectives\n2. {mnyam pa nyid du nges par 'byung ba/} the sameness'es\n3. {sems can thams cad kyi don du nges par 'byung ba/} attain the purpose of all sentient beings\n4. {'bad med lhun grub tu nges par 'byung ba/} effortless achievement\n5. {mtha' las 'das par nges par 'byung ba/} the state beyond extremes\n6. {thob pa'i mtshan nyid du nges par 'byung ba/} the actuality of achievement\n7. {rnam mkhyen du nges par 'byung ba/} omniscient knowledge\n8. {lam gyi yul can gyi nges par 'byung ba/} objects of the path.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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