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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie dam pa drug ldan
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The six-fold supreme ways. The six fundamental ways of accomplishing the six perfections (see {phar phyin drug}). These are:\n1. {rten dam pa byang chub kyi sems dang ldan pa/} maintaining the mind of enlightenment as the fundamental basis\n2. {dngos po dam pa sbyin sogs phyogs re ba ma yon par gzhi thams cad la 'jug pa/} engaging in all six perfections in an unbiased manner as the fundamental approach\n3. {ched du bya ba dam pa sems can thams cad kyi don du sbyod pa/} working for the welfare of all sentient beings as the fundamental beneficiary of one's practices\n4. {thabs dam pa 'khor gsum rnam par mi rtog pa'i shes rab kyis zin pa/} conjoining all one's practices with the thought of purity of the three factors (see {'khor gsum yongs su dag pa'i 'jug sgrub}) through skillful wisdom as the fundamental means\n5. {yongs su bsngo ba dam pa bla med byang chub tu bsngo ba/} dedicating all one's virtues to the attainment of the sublime state of enlightenment as the fundamental dedication\n6. {rnam dag dam pa sgrib gnyis kyi dngos gnyen du spyod pa/} applying antidotal forces against the two types of delusions (see {sgrib pa gnyis}) as the fundamental purification.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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