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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie dur khrod kyi chas brgyad
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The eight adornments of an ascetic who dwells in a cemetery; the eight costumes of a cemetery Yogi.\n1. {mi mgo'i dbu rgyan/} he is crowned with human skulls\n2. {mi mgo'i do shal/} he wears a rosary of human heads carved in crystal\n3. {_glang chen gyi pags pa'i stod g.yog} he wears an elephant skin as an upper garment\n4. {zhing lpags kyi g.yang gzhi/} he uses the skin of a human being who has committed heinous non-virtues as his skin\n5. {zhag gi sor ris/} his forehead bears three greased lines horizontally and vertically\n6. {stag spags kyi sham thabs/} he wears a tiger skin as his lower garment\n7.{_khrag gi thig le/} he uses blood for the tilaka between his eyes\n8. {thal chen gyi tshom bu/} his body is covered with ashes.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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