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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie dpal ldan rdo rje 'dzin pa
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition [ṡrīmat vājradhāra]/ The glorious Vajra master. Vajra master in the secret mantra tradition fulfilling six qualities:\n1. {'khor ba'i chos rgyab tu dor ba/} one who has fully renounced samsaric concerns\n2. {'dod pa chung zhing chog shes pa/} one who is content with few desires\n3. {lag len la mkhas shing nyams myong yod pa/} one who is experienced in practice and ritual activities\n4. {rgyud kyi tshig don la mkhas shing sgrub pa la martson pa/} one who is knowledgeable of tantric treatises, can explain their literal and implied meaning, and is devoted to practice\n5. {lta ba'i don la mkhas shing nus pa rdzogs pa/} one who is learned in the meaning of the right view and fully accomplished in it\n6. {snying rje che zhing gtong ba la dga' ba/} one who is highiy compassionate and generous.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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