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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie rtsa ltung bco brgyad
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition Eighteen root downfalls; eighteen root transgressions of the Bodhisattva vows.\n1. {bdag bstod gzhan smod/} praising oneself and belittling others\n2. {chos nor mi ster ba/} not giving material aid or teachings of Dharma\n3. {bshags kyang mi nyan par gzhan la 'chog pa/} not listening when someone declares his or her offences\n4. {theg chen spong zhing dam chos 'drar snang ston pa/} abandoning the teachings of the greater vehicle and preaching false doctrine akin to the [mahāyāna] teachings\n5. {dkan mchog gi dkor ma byin par len pa/} misusing offerings of the three jewels not given to oneself\n6. {dam pa'i chos spong ba/} abandoning the sublime Dharma\n7. {rab byung la 'tshe ba/} evicting monks and nuns\n8. {mtshams med kyi las byed pa/} committing any of the five boundless actions\n9. {log lta 'dzin pa/} holding wrong views\n10. {gnas 'jig pa/} destroying places of worship or pilgrimage\n11. {snod min la stong nyid bstan pa/} teaching emptiness to improper receptacles\n12. {rdzogs byang thob pa'i blo las bzlog par byed pa/} turning people away from working for enlightenment\n13. {so thar spong ba/} abandoning the vows of individual liberation\n14. {nyan thos kyi theg pa la skyar ba 'debs pa/} mistreating the lower vehicle doctrine\n15. {mi chos bla ma'i rdzun smra ba/} lying exorbitantly of superhuman attainments\n16. {dkon mchog gi dkor ma byin par len pa/} misappropriation of the property of the three jewels\n17. {khrims ngan 'chang ba/} holding corrupt ethical discipline\n18. {byang chub kyi sems 'dor ba/} abandoning the mind of enlightenment.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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