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Tibetan Alternate
Tibetan Definition
Tibetan Source
Wylie bsri 'pho dgu skor
Wylie Definition
Wylie Synonym
English Definition The yoga of ninefold mixing; the nine rounds of mixing. According to the glorious Rechungpa's version these are:\n1. {'dod chags bde chen dang bsri ba gtum mo/} the psychic heat mixing lust with great bliss\n2. {zhi sdang bden med dang bsri ba sgyu lus/} the illusory body through mixing hatred with lack of true existence\n3. {gti mug mi rtog pa dang bsre ba 'od gsal/} the clear light mind mixing ignorance with non-conceptuality\n4. {gtum mo dang sgyu lus bsres la nyin mo bsgom/} the broad day light meditation mixing psychic heat with the illusory body\n5. {rmi lam dang 'od gsal bsres la mtshan mo bsgom/} the midnight meditation mixing dreams with the illusory body\n6. {bar do dang 'pho ba bsres la 'chi khar bsgom/} the meditation at death mixing the intermediate state of rebirth and consciousness transference\n7. {gang zag brtson 'grus can la gtum mo/} psychic heat for persons of great diligence\n8. {le lo can la rmi lam/} dreams for lazy persons\n9. {tshe thung 'pho ba dang bsre ba/} the consciousness transference for persons of short life-span.
English Synonyms
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese Definition
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