bya rgod sug pa

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bya rgod sug pa med. herb [bitter, cooling, by its power mgo rma gso, lhog rgod 'dul, tsha ba'i gzer gcog gza' nad sel, lus zungs gso syn: rgyal po la thod can dang, da byid dkar po, byang gyag bde 'byin, me tog gangs lha] [IW]

saussurea medusa maxim. [JV]

bya rgod sug pa med. herb [IW]

(med) Snowballplant
Synonyms : rgyal po la thod can, byang g.yag mde 'byin, da byid dkar po (Shel gong)

bya rgod sug pas mgo rma lhog rgod 'dul / zhes par / ljon shing las / bya rgod sug pas mgo rma gso / tshad pa'i gzer zug zhi bar nus / zhes dang / rang byung zhabs kyis / bya rgod [368] sug pas gza' nad sel / ming ni / rgyal po la thod can / byang g.yag mde 'byin / da byid dkar po zer / 'khrungs dper / da byid dkar po zhes bya ba / gangs ri mthon po'i rdza las skye / lhog pa 'dul ba'i dar ya kan / bya rgod sug pa zhes kyang bya / sdong bu khong stong ras bal gyon / skye tshul yu mo srol gang bzhin / rtse ldum me tog cung zad smug / bya rgod rdza la bab pa 'dra / ro ni kha la nus pa bsil / lhog pa'i nad rigs gang la yang / gcig thang khong btang skrangs pa la / phyi nas 'byar byas 'phral bde ster / zhes gsungs so // (Shel gong shel phreng, pdf p 367.5)

Illustrations : Dawa (2009)

1. Saussurea gossipiphora D.Don (Asteraceae) (Dawa 2009)
2. Saussurea medusa Maxim. (Asteraceae) (Wangyal 2020). « Some physicians call it (Saussurea medusa) 'gang lha me tog which is a different plant. » (Dawa 2009)
3. Saussurea paxiana Diels (Asteraceae) (Asteraceae) (Wangyal 2020). Reported name rdza yi sur snel.

See also kon pa gab skyes, khyung sder and gza' dug nag po. Saussurea is a large (over 400 species) and very divers genus in the Asteracea. It is divided in 4 subgenera with distinct morphological features, which may partially explain the various tibetan names. Subgenus Eryogone or 'Snowball plants' has dense hairy flower heads, subgenus Amphilaena or 'Snow lotus' has bracts which close over the flowers, creating a greenhouse-effect. The other subgenera have open, scabious-like flowerheads.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 06:11, 12 March 2024 (EDT)