'ol ba

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black horse [RY]

milvus korschun lineatus gray [JV]

1) mouse hawk [ne le, ping kyur ma]; 2) mouse- hawk colored horse (/ [black or dark [yellowish] brown] [IW]

(med) Black kite (Milvus nigrans) (David Holler, Tibetbirds.com)
Synonyms : ne le (Jam-dpal)

'ol ba ni / ne le ste / rje rin po ches 'jigs byed kyi phyag mtshan du bya chen po 'di yin par bshad / lha khang mkhar ba sogs su gnas pa klag pa nas chung smug po mgo dkar sgra ngan pa'o // pin byar ma zer ba yin / rgud las / mthus za ba'i rigs su bshad // (mDzes mtshar mig rgyan, print p 241)

Illustrations : 'Jam-dpal (print p 241) 'ol ba

The Eye Ornament shows clearly a falcon-like bird for 'ol ba. The Medical Thangkas images under the synonym ne le are less specific.
David Holler gives Black kite for 'ol ba, and for ne'u le (or byi zan khra chen mo) he has the Upland buzzard (Buteo hemilasius).
Paljor (2018) identifies Kite with ne le, but does not mention 'ol ba.
Johannes Schmidt (talk) 15:07, 21 February 2024 (EST)