Talk:Longchen Nyingt'hig

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[The definitions, as well as use-in-context for greater clarity]:

grib - 'drib'. Defilement, obscuration caused by contact with impure people or their things [RY]

ka dag - Primordial purity. The basic nature of sentient beings which is originally untainted by defilement and beyond confusion and liberation [RY]

kun nas nyon mongs - defilement, all-conflicting emotions, affliction of the kleshas, very miserable [IW]

kun nas nyon mongs - affliction, defilement, all-conflicting emotion [RY]

kun nas nyon mongs pa - affliction, defilement, complete disturbance, all-encompassing fettering passions. Syn {kun nyon}; afflictive emotionality; emotionally afflicted [RY]

kha nog pa - covered w defilement, dirty [IW]

mkhyen pa'i stobs bcu - ten powers of perfect knowledge {stobs bcu} (1 {gnas dang gnas min mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing what is possible and impossible two {las kyi rnam par smin pa mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing how actions will ripen three {mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing the different dispositions of human beings four {khams sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs} the power of knowing different elements five {dbang po mchog dang mchog ma yin pa'i stobs} power of knowing the supreme and lesser powers of human beings six {tams cad du 'gro ba'i lam mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing the path that leads everywhere 7 {bsam gtan rnam par thar pa dang ting nge 'dzin dang snyom par 'jug pa'i kun nas nyon mongs pa rnam par 'byung ba dang dang ldan pa thams cad mkhyen pa'i stobs} omniscience regarding the origin of all suffering and which leads to dhyana, liberation, samadhi, and samapatti 8 {sngon gi gnas rjes su dran pa mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowledge that remembers former abodes 9 {shi pho ba dang skye ba mkhyen pa'i stobs} power of knowing death, transmigration, and birth 9 {zag pa zad pa mkhyen pa'i stobs} the power of knowing how to exhaust defilement) [IW]

'khon grib - defilement through quarrel, defilement due to discord [RY]

'khon grib - [obscuring] defilement through quarrel/ discord [IW]

'khon grib - defilement by quarrel or fight, rancor [JV]

gos grib - defilement from dirty clothing [RY]

gos grib - dirty clothes, defilement in clothes [JV]

grib - 1) shade, stain, obscuration, contamination, defilement, pollution, sickness caused by defilement. 2) shadow. Syn {grib ma} 3) pf. of {'grib} [RY]

grib - shade, stain, obscuration, contamination, defilement, pollution, sickness caused by defilement [p {'grib} shade, obscure, grib region near Lhasa, kind of demon, shadow, shade [IW]

grib - darken, SA 'grib pa, shade, defilement, stain, spot, filth, contamination, is the effect of different types of mnol [JV]

grib khrus - washing of defilement [JV]

grib mdos - offerings made to bon deities for removing some defilement [JV]

grib gnon - shadow, defilement from unclean things, 1 of 12 kinds of yi dwags, those that contaminate, Caya [JV]

grib ma'i lus - moon, shadowy body, body of defilements [JV]

grib btsog - btsog pa'i nad filth, defilement, contamination disease [IW]

grib la 'dzem pa - keep off from pollution or defilement [JV]

grib sel - removal of defilement, one in whom there is no contamination, name of a buddha, removing of pollution or defilement of anything by religious rites [JV]

grib srung - guarding against defilement [JV]

grib bsangs - cleansed or purified of defilement, purification of defilement [JV]

glo bur gyi dri ma - momentary defilement, passing stains, temporary stains. The obscurations that are not intrinsic to the sugata-garbha, like clouds are not inherent in the sky [RY]

glo bur gyi dri ma - incidental defilements [RY]

glo bur gyi dri ma - temporary defilement, passing stains, adventitious defilements. momentary obscurations; adventitious distortions [RY]

glo bur gyi dri ma - adventitious defilements, incidental defilements, incidental and passing stains, adventitious distortions [JV]

glo bur gyi dri ma - [a+_kasmika-mala] adventitious defilement, temporary stains [of kleshas and knowables nyon mongs pa, shes bya'i sgrib pa gnyis, not of the nature of mind and therefore separable] [IW]

glo bur gyi dri ma - [a+_kasmika-mala] adventitious defilement, temporary stains [IW]

glo bur gyi dri ma med pa - free from momentary defilement [RY]

glo bur gyi dri mas dag pa - free from momentary defilement [RY]

glo bur dri bral gyi cha - the factor of freedom from adventitious defilements [RY]

glo bur dri bral gyi myang 'das - the nirvana that is free from momentary defilement [RY]

glo bur dri ma - passing stains / impurities, temporary defilements [RY]

glo bur dri med - free from temporary defilements [RY]

glo bur rnam dag - total purity from the temporary [defilements] [RY]

glo bur ma rig lhan skyes kyi dri ma - defilements of momentary coemergent ignorance [RY]

'gyur ba ma nges pa'i sa - levels of uncertain transformation [in Nyingma mantra texts, the first level obtained in the first yoga. In the path of accumulation, since there are both defilements and reversing, it is called the uncertain level [IW]

'gro ba thams cad kyi nyon mongs pa brgyad khri bzhi stong - 84,000 defilements of all beings [RY]

rgyas gyur rigs - developing gotra i.e. we have gathered accumulations, done practices, cleared away defilements and gradually come to realization. The naturally existing gotra is unconditioned, the dharmadhatu [RY]

rgyu dus kyi rnam shes - when good and bad karma is collected, the bsgo yul [sphere of defilement?] of karmic propensities/ habitual patterns is the mind consciousness, yid kyi rnam shes [IW]

rgyu 'bras kyi theg pa - rgyu dang 'bras bu'i theg pa - causal and resultant vehicles. The teachings of Hinayana and Mahayana that regard the practices of the path as the causes for attaining the fruition of liberation and enlightenment and the Vajrayana system of taking fruition as the path by regarding buddhahood as inherently present and the path as the act of uncovering the basic state. The great master Longchenpa defined them as follows: "The causal vehicles are so called because of accepting a sequence of cause and effect, asserting that buddhahood is attained by increasing the qualities of the nature of the sugata essence, which is merely present as a seed, through the circumstance of the two accumulations. The resultant vehicles are so called because of asserting that the basis for purification is the (sugata) essence endowed with qualities that are spontaneously present as a natural possession in sentient beings, just as the sun is endowed with rays of light; that the objects of purification are the temporary defilements of the eight collections (of consciousnesses), like the sky being (temporarily) obscured by clouds; and that one realizes the result of purification, the primordially present nature, by means of that which purifies, the paths of ripening and liberation. Besides this, there is no difference (between the two) in sequence or quality." [RY]

sgrib - pollution, eclipse, cover over, defilement, obscure, SA sgrib pa, to cover, to conceal [JV]

sgrib pa - 1) (Tha dad pa bsgribs pa, bsgrib pa, sgribs,, obscure [ation], make invisible; 2) "cover[ing over]" clouded, veil, defilements, darkness, ignorance; 3) impediment, hindrance [IW]

sgrib pa - {sgrib pa, bsgribs pa, bsgrib pa, sgribs} trans. v.; obscuration; clouded, veil, impediment, defilements, obscuration, veil, cover, "covering over", hindrance [RY]

sgrib pa - pollution, darken, veil, hindrance, impediment, obstructing forces, obscuration, existential compromise, intellectual veil, SA nyon mongs sgrib pa, sin, mental and moral defilement, state of being obscured, darkened, roof, cover, obscure, cover, defile, darkness, sinner, clouded, obstacle, to hinder, to obscure [JV]

sgrib pa byang ba - purified defilements [RY]

sgrub pa - sadhana; (stage of) accomplishment; - (sadhana)practice; {sgrub pa, bsgrubs pa, bsgrub pa, sgrubs} trans. v.; {sgrub thob} accomplished master. 1) to affirm [information about an object]. 2) accomplish, application, practice, defilement, attainment, accomplishment. 3) engagement. 4) perform, performing [deeds]. 5) to strive for, realization. 6) to acquire. 7. proof, progress, one of the 16 aspects of the 4 noble truths among the 16 aspects of the four truths: Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {'dus byas rtag par 'dzin pa la sogs pa'i phyin ci log las bzlog nas de kho na nyid rtogs pa la 'jog cing sems phyin ci ma log par sgrub pa'i mtshan nyid can}. 8) achievement, to accomplish, positive phenomenon. 9) entails the prayer that the deity's blessings will descend, transforming the mundane body, speech, and mind into the three syllables of indestructible reality, attainment. 10) to complete, finish, perform, carry out. to accomplish/ achieve; to assure; to prove; establish, prove, legitimize, exist, come into existence; hermit [RY]

sgrub pa - 1) siddha, accomplished master GD; 2) affirm [information about an object]; 2) accomplish, application, practice, defilement, attainment, accomplishment; 3) engagement; 4) perform[ing] [deeds], carry out; 5) strive for, realization; 6) acquire; 7) proof, progress; 8) positive phenomenon; 9) entails the prayer that the deity's blessings will descend, transforming the mundane body, speech, and mind into the three syllables of indestructible reality, attainment GD; 10) complete, finish, [Tse] [phyi sgrub bla ma'i rnal 'byor - outer guru yoga practice -1 (Tha dad pa bsgrubs pa, bsgrub pa, sgrubs,, 1 do; 2) buy; 3) make; 4) prove, establish; 5) examine, take an accounting of; 6) practice dharma; 7) Bden bzhi mi rtag sogs bcu drug gi nang gses shig ste sems phyin ci log spangs te phyin ci ma log par sbyor ba [IW]

ngan - evil, mischief, misfortune, defilement [JV]

ngan sel - water, that which removes the defilement and purifies [JV]

mngon par shes pa drug - six superknowledges. The capacities for performing miracles, divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, and the cognition of the exhaustion of defilements [RY]

mngon shes - (six are rdzu 'phrul gyi bya ba, rna ba shes pa, pha rol gyi gzhan sems shes pa, sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa shes pa, lha'i mig, zag pa zad pa shes pa), superknowledges (divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, capacity for performing miracles, the cognition of the exhaustion of defilements), clairvoyance [JV]

mngon shes - Superknowledges. Divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, capacity for performing miracles, and, in the case of accomplished practitioners, the 'cognition of the exhaustion of defilements.' [RY]

mngon shes drug - six superknowledges. The capacities for performing miracles, divine sight, divine hearing, recollection of former lives, cognition of the minds of others, and the cognition of the exhaustion of defilements [RY]

lci 'thibs pa - unhappy body and/or mind, bodily defilement [IW]

chags thogs med pa - desireless and unhindered [free from sgrib gnyis], limitless, beginningless. Without defilement and unhindered [by dualistic knowledge] uninvolved and unhindered [RY]

chags med - Syn {chags bral}, desireless, nondesire, nonattachment, desirelessness, without attachment; [without defilement, uninvolved] [RY]

chos dbyings blo bur bral dag - dharmadhatu which has the purity of being free from temporary defilement [RY]

rjes su yi rang sgom lam - the path/ way of meditation w rejoicing [a path/way of meditation w defilement zag bcas sgom lam rejoicing in the virtues of self and others, sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang gses] [IW]

ljan ljin - defilement, filth, dirt, dust, sweepings [JV]

nyal grib - sensual defilement [RY]

nye nyon - Def {thams cad kyang rtsa ba'i nyon mongs pa dang nye bas sam / nyon mongs pa chung ba yin pas der bzhag pa'o} associated defilements, secondary afflictions, subsidiary defilements, sub-disturbances [RY]

nye nyon - associated/ secondary/ subsidiary afflictions/ defilements, sub-disturbances [IW]

nye nyon bcu - 10 subsidiary defilements (khro ba, 'chab pa, ser sna, phrag dog, 'tshig pa, rnam par 'tshe ba, 'khon tu 'dzin pa, sgyu, g.yo, rgyas pa) [JV]

nye nyon nyi shu - twenty proximate. the twenty sub-disturbances. The 20 klesha associated defilements. 1) {khro ba} anger. 2) {khon du 'dzin pa} enmity, 3) {'tshig pa} gloom. 4) {rnam par 'tshe ba} harming, 5) {phrag dog} envy, 6) {g.yo} dishonesty, 7) {sgyu} deceit. 8) {ngo tsha med pa} lack of sense of shame. 9) {khrel med pa} lack of dread of blame. 10) {'chab pa} hypocrisy. 11) {ser sna} stinginess. 12) {rgyags pa} intoxication. 13) {ma dad pa} unbelief. 14) {le lo} indolence. 15) {bag med pa} carelessness. 16) {brjed ngas} ?, 17) - {shes bzhin min pa} ?, 18) {rmugs pa} sloth. 19) {rgod pa} excitedness. 20) {rnam par g.yeng ba} distraction. twenty proximate. the twenty sub-disturbances. The 20 klesha associated defilements. 1) {khro ba} anger. 2) {khon du 'dzin pa} enmity, 3) {'tshig pa} gloom. 4) {rnam par 'tshe ba} harming, 5) {phrag dog} envy, 6) {g.yo} dishonesty, 7) {sgyu} deceit. 8) {ngo tsha med pa} lack of sense of shame. 9) {khrel med pa} lack of dread of blame. 10) {'chab pa} hypocrisy. 11) {ser sna} stinginess. 12) {rgyags pa} intoxication. 13) {ma dad pa} unbelief. 14) {le lo} indolence. 15) {bag med pa} carelessness. 16) {brjed ngas} ?, 17) - {shes bzhin min pa} ?, 18) {rmugs pa} sloth. 19) {rgod pa} excitedness. 20) {rnam par g.yeng ba} distraction [RY]

nye nyon nyi shu - 20 proximate / sub-disturbances /upa-kleshas /associated defilements [1) *{khro ba}* - anger, 2) *{khon du 'dzin pa}* - enmity, 3) *{'tshig pa}* - gloom 4) *{rnam par 'tshe ba}* - harming, 5) *{phrag dog}* - envy, 6) *{gyo}* - dishonesty, 7) *{sgyu}* - deceit 8) *{ngo tsha med pa}* - lack of sense of shame 9) *{khrel med pa}* - lack of dread of blame 10) *{'chab pa}* - hypocrisy 11) *{ser sna}* - stinginess 12) *{rgyags pa}* - intoxication 13) *{ma dad pa}* - unbelief 14) *{le lo}* - indolence 15) *{bag med pa}* - carelessness 16) *{brjed ngas}* - ?, 17) - *{shes bzhin min pa}* - ?, 18) *{rmugs pa}* - sloth 19) *{rgod pa}* - excitedness 20) *{rnam par gyeng ba}* - distraction chn [IW]

nye nyon nyi shu - 20 proximate /sub-disturbances /upa- kleshas /associated defilements [IW]

nye ba'i nyon mongs pa - sub-disturbances, subsidiary defilements, cognate passion [RY]

nye ba'i nyon mongs pa - upakleshas [sub- disturbances, subsidiary defilements, the cognate passion {nye ba'i nyon mongs pa - ser sna la sogs pa sems kun nas nyon mongs par byed pa rtsa ba'i nyon mongs pa dang nye ba'i nyon mongs can gyi sems byung [IW]

nyon sgrib - obscuration of the kleshas [addictive obscuration, delusion, obstruction, obstruction to liberation, obstruction which are the afflictions, afflicted mind, afflictive obstruction, the obscuration of emotional defilements, the veil of the disturbances, disturbance-veil, klesha obscuration, obsecurations of the kleshas [thar pa thob pa la gegs su gyur pa'i ser sna la sogs pa'i rnam par rtog pa rnams [IW]

nyon sgrib - {nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa} emotional obscuration; [alt:] obstruction which are the afflictions, afflictive obstruction. the obscuration of emotional defilements, the veil of the disturbances, disturbance-veil, klesha obscuration [RY]

nyon mongs - klesha, emotions, emotional (responses, imbalance, disturbing processes, instability, upset, obscuration), gloomy, depressed, worried, vexed, (conflicting, turbulent, disturbing, negative) emotions, instinctive forces, passions, affliction, defilement [JV]

nyon mongs - klesha[s] [sems kyi rgyu'am byed pa ma zhi ba, [turbulent] emotion, negative, emotional defilement [klesha] passions, affliction, emotionality, delusion, affect, bad thought, addiction, conflicting emotions [Gd-mk] disturbed/fettering passions, something that is difficult, hardship, that which muddies the stream of awareness lus sems gdung ba'i dka' las sam ngal dub dang, mi dge ba'i las bskul bas rang rgyud rab tu ma zhi bar byed pa'i sems byung [IW]

nyon mongs sgrib pa - veil of conflicting emotions, obscurations due to the passions, emotional obscurations, afflictive obstructions, defilement of misery caused by habits [JV]

nyon mongs pa - 1) kleshas; 2) klesha[-ridden], disturbances, disturbing negative/ conflicting emotion, emotionality; 3) [defilement, passion]; 4) D misery trouble misfortune, pain, affliction; 5) be troubled/ tormented by [IW]

nyon mongs pa - emotionality, misery, trouble, distress, any misfortune, be troubled, in misery, ignorant clinging, defilements, clinging to existence, misery of sin, SA nyon mongs, passion, negative emotion, passions, afflictive emotion, disturbing emotions [JV]

nyon mongs pa - klesha-ridden, disturbances, disturbing emotion, emotionality, klesha, affliction, negative/ conflicting emotion, [defilement, passion]misery, trouble, pain [phra rgyas} klesha[s] [lus sems ma zhi ba'am gdung bar byed pa dang, ngal dub tu gtong ba,...Tsa gdug che bas lus po nyon mongs pa,...Ma mjal yun ring song ba'i bar der sku khams nyon mongs par ma gyur tam [IW]

nyon mongs pa - disturbances, disturbing emotion, emotionality, klesha, affliction, negative / conflicting emotion, [defilement, passion]. misery, trouble, pain. disturbing emotion; passion, negative emotion, afflictive emotion; emotionally tainted. Syn {phra rgyas} [RY]

nyon mongs pa'i dri ma drug - the six defilements of the kleshas [IW]

nyon mongs pa'i dri ma drug - the six defilements of the kleshas [sgyu dang, gyo dang, rgyags pa dang, 'tsig pa dang, 'khon 'dzin dang, rnam 'tse rnams so [IW]

nyon mongs pa'i sa - the causes of defilement [IW]

nyon mongs pa'i sa - the causes of defilement [K d ' 355: khro bo, wrath; 'khon 'dzin spite; ston pa, ostentation; 'chig pa adhering to adharma; sgyu, illusion; g.yo, deception; phrag dog, jealousy; ser sna greed avarice; nga rgyal, pride; lhag pa'i nga rgyal, arrogance] [IW]

nyon mongs pa'i sa bcu - the causes of defilement [IW]

nyon mongs pa'i sa bcu - the causes of defilement [K d ' 355: khro bo, wrath; 'khon 'dzin spite; ston pa, ostentation; 'chig pa adhering to adharma; sgyu, illusion; g.yo, deception; phrag dog, jealousy; ser sna greed avarice; nga rgyal, pride; lhag pa'i nga rgyal, arrogance] [IW]

nyon mongs pa'i sa chen po pa - fundamental defilements [RY]

nyon mongs la brten nas byung ba'i dri ma rags pa drug - the six coarse defilements depening on the kleshas [sgyu dang, gyo dang, rgyags pa dang, 'tsig pa dang, 'khon 'dzin dang, rnam 'tse rnams so [IW]

nyon mongs la brten nas byung ba'i dri ma rags pa drug - the six coarse defilements depending on the kleshas [IW]

gnyis 'dzin gyi dri ma - defilement of dualistic fixation [RY]

snyigs - snyig pa! remainders [when purifying etc], leftovers * degeneration, corrupt, impurities, refuse, leavings, siftings, dregs, sediment, scum * impurity, defilement, [dark age] corruption [IW]

snyigs ma - snyig pa! remainders [when purifying etc], leftovers * degeneration, corrupt, impurities, refuse, leavings, siftings, dregs, sediment, scum * impurity, defilement, [dark age] corruption [IW]

snyigs ma - dregs, dreg, degeneration, corrupt, impurities, refuse, sediment, scum, dross, impurity, defilement, degenerated, gown worse, impure sediment; [what is left when purifying butter].[opp of {dvangs ma}. 2) the dark age; {snyigs ma'i dus, snyigs dus} [RY]

snyigs ma - impurity, defilement, [what is left when purifying butter] [RY]

gsnyigs ma - impurity, defilement, what is left when purifying butter [IW]

lta ba 'i zag pa - the defilement of (wrong views [IW]

lta ba'i zag pa - corruption of view. One of {zag pa gsum}; the defilement of [wrong] views [RY]

ltung ba ches na smad - the defilement of great downfalls/ transgressions [IW]

stong grib - blood-money defilement [RY]

stobs bcu - powers, ten Skt. bala; The ten powers of a tathagata: (1) knowing what is possible and what is not possible, (2) knowing the results of actions, (3) knowing the aspirations of men, (4) knowing the elements, (5) knowing the higher and lower powers of men, (6) knowing the path that leads everywhere, (7) knowing the origin of kleshas, which leads to meditation, liberation, samadhi, and equanimity, (8) knowing previous lives, (9) the knowledge of transference and death, (10) knowing that the defilements are exhausted [RY]

bstungs pa - p. of stung. [defilements] diminished, strictly controlled; pf. of {stung ba} [RY]

thab grib - hearth defilement [RY]

thabs dang shes rab - means and knowledge; Skt. prajna and upaya. Buddhahood is attained by uniting means and knowledge; in Mahayana, compassion and emptiness, relative and ultimate bodhichitta. In Vajrayana, means and knowledge are the stages of development and completion. According to the Kagyü schools, means refers specifically to the 'path of means,' the Six Doctrines of Naropa and knowledge to the 'path of liberation,' the actual practice of Mahamudra. According to Dzogchen, 'knowledge' is the view of primordial purity, the Trekchö practice of realizing the heart of enlightenment in the present moment, while 'means' is the meditation of spontaneous presence, the Tögal practice of exhausting defilements and fixation through which the rainbow body is realized within one lifetime [RY]

mthun pa'i gso sbyong - conducive posadha [gso sbyong drug gi nang gses, so that within this life defilements may cease and pure excellent discipline be obtained mthun pa'i gso sbyong zhes bya ste, five divisions: 1 gso sbyong bcu bzhi pa dang, two bco lnga pa dang, three gnod pa bzlog pa'i gso sbyong dang, four 'khon pa bsdum pa'i gso sbyong dang, five bkra shis pa'i gso sbyong] [IW]

dag gnyis - the two purities {ngo bo ye dag} the primordial purity of essence (like the sky) and {glo bur bral dag} the purity free from adventitious defilements (as the sky is free from clouds) = enlightenment] [IW]

dag gnyis - {ngo bo ye dag} the primordial purity of essence (like the sky) and {glo bur bral dag} the purity free from adventitious defilements (the sky is free from clouds). If these two purities exist, that is necessarily enlightenment [RY]

dag pa'i khams - 1) pure/ purifying element: mercury HG; 2) pure dhatus: shravaka; 2) pure realm: buddha fields w/o defilements ([IW]

dvangs snyigs - essence and dross [defilement, residue [opposite of essence] [IW]

dvangs pa - 1) (Tha mi dad pa become clear; 2) free from defilements, w/o turbulence [IW]

dvangs sing nge ba - free from dirt and defilement [IW]

dam sel gyi g.ya' dri - defilement of broken samaya [RY]

don gyi 'od gsal - a dharma of the completion stage, abandoning on the path of seeing gnyid 'khrul la brten pa and by the abandonment on the path of meditation, seeds of the two obscurations and also abandoning by having the power of the path luminosity, pas fundamental luminosity free from incidental defilements [IW]

dri - 1) smell, odor, scent. 2) Syn {'dri} 3) stain, spot, defilement, impurity. See also {dri ma} [RY]

dri - smell, odor, scent, ?, stain, spot, defilement, impurity [IW]

dri bcas rnam rdzun pa - defilement maintaining false- aspectarians/image [IW]

dri drug - six smells [zhim pa, nga ba, mnyam pa, lhan cig skyes pa, sbyar byung, gyur pa las 'byung ba'i dri] OR six defilements [feeling superior to one's teacher, lack of regard for teacher and dharma, neglect of religious observances chos la don gnyer med/ mind wandering in external objects sems phyi yul la rnam par g.yeng concentrating attention on the five senses dbang po'i sgo lnga nang du sdud pa tiring of long religious observance chos yun ring drags pa kyis skkyo ba] [IW]

dri drug - six smells * OR six defilements [IW]

dri ma - defilements [IW]

dri ma - 1) smell; odor, scent, 2) defilements, dirt, filth, impurity, excrement, ordure, taint; stain; distortion, distorting influence [RY]

dri ma - 1) smell object; 2) dirt/ filth; 3) externally emitted excrement urine and sweat, personal uncleanliness and general uncleanliness; 4) faults and kleshas defilements, dirt, filth, impurity, excrement, ordure, smell, odor, scent, taint [IW]

dri ma - impure, smell, defilements, odor, scent, filth, excrement, manure, interlocutory month in the lunar calendar [JV]

dri ma bkrus pa - wash away defilement [IW]

dri ma glo bur ba - temporary defilements / stains [RY]

dri ma mtha' dag log pa'i de bzhin nyid - suchness eliminating all defilements [IW]

dri ma dag pa - {rang gi sems kyi dri ma dag pa} purifying the defilements of your mind [RY]

dri ma dang bcas pa - with smell or stain or defilement [JV]

dri ma drug - 1) the six defilements; 2) six faults abandoned by shravakas [IW]

dri ma drug - 1) the six defilements [dri chen - dri chu, mig skyag rna spabs, mchil ma, snabs]; 2) six faults abandoned by shravakas [nga rgyal, ma dad pa, don gnyer med pa, rnam par g.yeng ba, rmugs pa, sems skyo ba] Or [feeling superior to one's teacher, lack of regard for teacher and dharma, neglect of religious observances chos la don gnyer med/ mind wandering in external objects sems phyi yul la rnam par g.yeng concentrating attention on the five senses dbang po'i sgo lnga nang du sdud pa tiring of long religious observance chos yun ring drags pa kyis skko ba chn] [IW]

dri ma drug - 6 sorts of defilement [JV]

dri ma rnam par dag pa - total purification of defilement [RY]

dri ma rnam par dag pa - be spotlessly clean/ pure, completely purified defilements [IW]

dri ma phra mo - the most subtle defilements [RY]

dri ma blo bur ba - momentary defilement [IW]

dri ma blo bur ba - {dri ma glo bur ba} momentary defilement [RY]

dri ma med pa - SA dri med, stainless stage, 3rd stage of bodhisattva perfection, without defilement, epithet of buddha, pure, holy, all-good, clean, Tantra of the Immaculate Essence [JV]

dri ma sa g.yog - stains/ filth covering the ground, defilement by faults [rang skyon sbas bskungs byas pa'i dpe - Rang skyon zol 'gebs dri ma sa g.yog ma byed] [IW]

dri ma sa g.yog - stains/ filth covering the ground, defilement by faults [IW]

dri ma gsum - the three defilements [IW]

dri ma gsum - the three filths [excrement, urine, and sweat]; the three defilements [R passion agression and ignorance] [IW]

dri med rnam rdzun pa - completely false defilement [IW]

dri'i dbye ba drug - six defilements [feeling superior to one's teacher, lack of regard for teacher and dharma, neglect of religious observances chos la don gnyer med/, mind wandering in external objects sems phyi yul la rnam par g.yeng, concentrating attention on the five senses dbang po'i sgo lnga nang du sdud pa tiring of long religious observance chos yun ring drags pa kyis skkyo ba)chn] [IW]

dri'i dbye ba drug - six defilements [IW]

bdud - Mara. Demon or demonic influence that creates obstacles for practice and enlightenment. Mythologically said be a powerful god who dwells in the highest abode in the Realm of Desire; the master of illusion who attempted to prevent the Buddha from attaining enlightenment at Bodhgaya. For the Dharma practitioner, Mara symbolizes one's own ego-clinging and preoccupation with the eight worldly concerns. Generally, there are four maras or obstructions to practice of the Dharma: those of defilements, death and the aggregates, and the godly mara of seduction. Sometimes the four maras are mentioned by name; Lord of Death, Godly Son, Klesha and Skandha [RY]

'dus ma byas pa - Unconditioned, a-samskrita. e.g. space, temporary absence of defilements, final cessation of obscurations, Emptiness, Nirvana [RY]

sdig sgrib - evil deeds and obscurations, sin and defilement, contamination of sin, obstacles and hindrances due to negative actions, obstacles & negativities [JV]

sdig sgrib srab pa - lesser sin, defilement [JV]

nang gi dri ma drug - the six inner defilements [IW]

nad grib - disease defilement [RY]

nal grib - defilement from incest, pollution, fornication [JV]

gnas ngan len gyi dri ma - defilement of negative tendencies; Thrangu Rinpoche: = shes bya'i sgrib pa phra ba / sa cha sdug chags la 'gro ba [RY]

mna' grib - confirm an oath, defilement caused by oath or by barbarous custom of killing animals and swearing over their blood [JV]

snang srid dregs pa - gods and demons w defilements of worldly appearance [IW]

spong ba'i yan lag lnga - the five limbs of abandonment [of defilements] [RY]

phrag dog gi dri ma - the defilement of jealousy [IW]

'pho ba'i bag chags kyi dri ma - defilement of the habitual tendencies of transition [RY]

bag grib - defilement from meeting a bride [RY]

bag grib - defilement that is brought by different people assembled in a marriage [JV]

bag grib - defilement from meeting a bride [mna' ma len pa'i grib ] [IW]

bag la nyal - Predispositions, anushaya. Unwholesome tendencies, much the same as defilements [RY]

bam dri - 1) defilements of a human corpse; 2) rottenness [IW]

bar chad med lam - Uninterrupted path. The 'path' or 'basis' that is the remedy for directly eradicating the defilements that are to be abandoned on one's present path and which thereby ensures that no other interruptions can hinder the arising of the wisdom that is the result of one's particular path [RY]

bum dbang - vase empowerment [tantras outer and inner ordinary thun mong du bskur ba'i abhisheka of ripening, depending on a colored sand or painted mandala etc. water and crown etc the student's body la bskur and having purified defilements of body, the path empowerment of the developing stage and fruition the fortune of attaining nirmanakaya the vajra body is established in 1's continuum] [IW]

byang chub - 1) intimate familiarity, adeptness, perfect, adept, complete, excellent, skilled, master[ful], experienced, ripe mature; 2) enlightenment <bodhi:> have purified all defilements, and perfectly realized all good qualities; enlightenment of the path of no more learning; 3) byang chub kyi mchod pa [IW]

byang chub - 1) untimate familiarity, adeptness; 2) enlightenment <bodhi:> have purified all defilements, and perfectly realized all good qualities; enlightenment of the path of no more learning; 3) byang chub kyi mchod pa [one of the mchod pa bzhi or mchod pa chen po bzhi, awakening, bodhi, "perfected purity", the awakened state, understanding, pure and total presence, the highest perfection and [IW]

bral rgyu - causal basis of separation from defilements. cause of freedom, [Syn. {sbyong byed}. def. {khams sam snying po'i steng gi dri ma sbyong byed thar pa cha mthun dge ba lam ldan gyi rnam pa'o} [RY]

bral rgyu - caus[al basis] of separation from defilements/ freedom [= {sbyong byed} def {aspect of the virtuous path purifying stains on the dhatu or essence and according w liberation] [IW]

sbyang bya glo bur gyi dri ma - temporary defilements to be purified [RY]

sbyangs 'bras - 1) bslabs sbyangs kyi result/ fruition [yig rtsis sbyangs 'bras thon pa]; 2) by the path purify all defilements las, gzhi la ji ltar yod pa'i yon tan ultimate manifestation, EG wish fulfilling gem set free from mud [IW]

ma rig pa'i zag pa - the defilement of ignorance [RY]

ma rig pa'i zag pa - the defilement of ignorance [zag pa gsum gyi nang gses, 'dod pa dang srid pa'i zag pa gnyis kyi gnas khams gsum gyi ma rig pa'o [IW]

mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition which perceives that corruption is/ defilements are not recreated GD, the wisdom of knowing non-arising [IW]

mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition which perceives that corruption is/defilements are not recreated (Gdmk) the wisdom of cognizing nonarising, the wisdom of knowing non-arising [one of {ye shes gnyis} [IW]

mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition which perceives that corruption is not recreated. the wisdom of cognizing nonarising, the wisdom which perceives that [defilements are] not re-created, One of {ye shes gnyis} the wisdom of knowing non-arising [RY]

mi dag pa - impurity, defilement [JV]

mig skyo - eye defilement [syn: mig skyag, mig gi rngu ma, mig rnag [IW]

mig skyo - eye defilement/ dirt [IW]

mig gi dri ma - dirt/ defilement in the eyes [IW]

mos sgom - /; 1) meditate w devotion; 2) w defilement sgom lam sher phyin la yon tan can du nges par 'dzin pa'o [sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang gses [IW]

mos sgom - 1) meditate w devotion; 2) w defilement sgom lam sher phyin la yon tan can du nges par 'dzin pa'o [IW]

mos pa sgom lam - [sher phyin don bdun cu'i nang gses], w defilement a sgom lam sher phyin la yon tan can du nges par 'dzin pa'o [IW]

myang grib - emotional defilement [RY]

dmar khrib - bloody defilement [IW]

dmar grib - bloody defilement [RY]

dme grib - moral defilements; also {rme grib} [RY]

dme grib - 1) impure obscurations, obscuration of defilements; 2) defilement of phan tshun killing/ incest within the same family/ clan, relatives [IW]

dme grib - impure obscurations, obscuration of defilements [RY]

dme grib rme grib - moral defilements [IW]

rme grib - the killer's defilement, [from contact with murder, the site, murderer] [RY]

rme grib - moral defilement [JV]

rme grib - moral defilements; also {dme grib} [RY]

rme grib - the killer's defilement, [of site, murderer] [IW]

rme grib - the killer's defilement, [IW]

rme grib - murder defilement [of site and murderer] [IW]

btsog grib - filthy obscuration/ defilement [IW]

btsog pa'i grib - defilement from unclean things [JV]

rtsa nyan - root-defilement [RY]

tshogs lam - path of accumulation. The first of the five paths which forms the foundation for the journey towards liberation and involves gathering a vast accumulation of merit dedicated towards this attainment. On this path one gains an intellectual and conceptual understanding of egolessness through learning and reflection. By means of cultivating the four applications of mindfulness, the four right endeavors, and the four legs of miraculous action, one succeeds in eliminating the gross defilements that cause samsaric suffering and in attaining the virtuous qualities of the superknowledges and the 'samadhi of the stream of Dharma' leading to the path of joining [RY]

mzhob grib - scorching defilement [RY]

zag bcas nye bar len pa'i phung po lnga - the five aggregates that perpetuate defilements/ the defiled [IW]

zag bcas nye bar len pa'i phung po lnga - the five aggregates that perpetuate defilements/ the defiled [R] [IW]

zag bcas nye bar len pa'i phung po lnga - the five aggregates that perpetuate defilements [RY]

zag bcas nye bar len pa'i phung po lnga - the five aggregates that perpetuate defilements/ the defiled [note. based on defiled actions the result of the five aggregates of suffering will arise [IW]

zag bcas nyer len gyi phung po - aggregates that perpetuate defilements [RY]

zag pa - 1) (Tha mi dad pa) 1) zags pa, zag pa,, fall; 2) [p 'dzag pa]; 3) kleshas; 4) excrement, urine, tears, mucus etc bodily impure substances, corruption, the flux of world forming deeds- caused by ignorance, impure, corrupt, dissipated, defilement, contamination. downflowing, conditioning, ['leaking' into samsara]. Book 1/2,[Gdmk] 'outflow', what issues forth or causes swelling, defilements, fall [that which falls into samsara), sullying influence, defilement, contamination, misery, affliction, sorrow [IW]

zag pa - pf. of {'dzag pa}; outflow; {zag pa, zags pa, zag pa} intr. v.; ft. of {zag pa}; dissipate; corruption. the flux of world forming deeds - caused by ignorance. impure, corrupt, dissipate, defilement, contamination. down-flowing, conditioning, ['leaking' into samsara]. lit. 'outflow', what issues forth or causes swelling. Syn defilements, to fall [that which falls into samsara), sullying influence, defilement, contamination [RY]

zag pa - 1) (Tha mi dad pa 1 zags pa, zag pa,, fall; 2) [p 'dzag pa] dripped, trickled, down-flowing, 'outflow', what issues forth or causes swelling, that which leaks/ falls into samsara; 3) kleshas; 4) bodily impure substances [excrement, urine, tears, mucus etc]; 5) corrupt[ion] [the flux of world forming deeds- caused by ignorance, Book 1/2, Gd], impure, dissipated, defilement, contamination, sullying influence; 6) conditioning; 7) misery, affliction, sorrow [IW]

zag pa dang 'brel ba - mind connected to defilement [IW]

zag pa dang 'brel ba - mind connected to defilement [R] [IW]

zag pa med pa'i mngon par shes pa - the super-knowledge/higher perception free from defilement [IW]

zag pa med pa'i mngon par shes pa - the superknowledge free from defilement [RY]

zag pa bzhi - the four outflows/ sullying influences/ defilements [IW]

zag pa bzhi - the four outflows/sullying influences/ defilement[1) {'dod pa sensuality}. 2) {srid pa}. belief in existence. 3) {ma rig pa}. spiritual ignorance. 4) {lta ba [ngan pa]} opinionatedness [Tserig]'chu bo bzhi la zag pa bzhi] [IW]

zag pa bzhi - the four outflows/sullying influences/ defilement [R] [IW]

zag pa zad pa - cessation of defilements [RY]

zag pa zad pa mkhyen pa'i stobs - the power of knowing that all defilements are exhausted [IW]

zag pa zad pa mkhyen pa'i stobs - the power of knowing that all defilements are exhausted [R] [IW]

zag pa zad pa la mi 'jigs pa - fearlessness about defilements being exhausted [spangs pa phun tshogs la mi 'jigs pa] [IW]

zag pa zad pa la mi 'jigs pa - fearlessness about defilements being exhausted [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilements [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilements [R] [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i rig pa - insight that all defilements are exhausted [R] [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i rig pa - insight that all defilements are exhausted [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i shes pa - the wisdom of the termination of defilements, pristine cognition of the extinction of the outflows [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i shes pa - the wisdom of the termination of defilements, cognition of the extinction of the outflows [R] [IW]

zag pa zad pa'i shes pa - the wisdom of the termination of defilements, cognition of the extinction of the outflows, [the attainment of the arhat] [RY]

zag pa gsum - the three defilements / contaminations, three corruptions. {'dod pa'i zag pa}, {srid pa'i zag pa}, {lta ba'i zag pa} [RY]

zag pa gsum - three defilements/ contaminations, corruptions [R] [IW]

zag pa gsum - three defilements/ contaminations, curruptions {'dod pa'i zag pa}., {srid pa'i zag pa}., {lta ba'i/ma rig pa'i zag pa} [IW]

zag pa gsum - three defilements/ contaminations, corruptions [IW]

zag pa gsog pa - collecting defilement [R] [IW]

zag pa gsog pa - collecting defilement [IW]

zag pa'i rgyu las byung ba - the fruits/ results of defilement [defiled perpetuating skandhas] possessing defiled gnas ngan len, conditioned dharmas not included in the truth of the path, [zag pa'i sgo drug gi nang tshan zhig] [IW]

zag pa'i rgyu las byung ba - the fruits/ results of defilement [IW]

zag pa'i sgo drug - the six gates of defilement [IW]

zag pa'i sgo drug - the six gates of defilement [kun nyon rgyas pa'am 'phel bar rung ba'i sgo drug ste - [1 zag pa'i bdag nyid, two zag pa dang 'brel ba, three zag pas bcings pa, four zag pa'i rjes su 'brel ba, five zag pa'i rjes su mthun pa, six zag pa'i rgyu las byung ba] [IW]

zag pa'i rjes su 'brel ba - results of defilement [IW]

zag pa'i bdag nyid - the nature of defilement [R] [IW]

zag pa'i bdag nyid - the nature of defilement [IW]

zag pas bcings pa - being bound by defilement [IW]

zag pas bcings pa - by the virtues of the three worlds possessing defilements one is entirely bound in the cause of samsara [one of zag pa'i sgo drug] [IW]

zag pas bcings pa - being bound by defilement [by the virtues of the three worlds possessing defilements one is entirely bound in the cause of samsara [one of zag pa'i sgo drug] [IW]

zag zad - exhaustion of defilement [IW]

zag zad kyi dngos shes - the purification of all defilement. zad kyi mngon shes [RY]

zag zad kyi dngos shes - the purification of all defilement. [IW]

zag zad kyi mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilement [IW]

zag zad kyi mngon shes - higher perception of exhaustion of defilement [R] [IW]

zad pa shes pa - 'Knowing Extinction' [of defilements] [in {bye smra} cognition of exhaustion, liberates when realized]. knowledge that (afflictive emotions and karma/ negative factors) have been exhausted [RY]

zad pa shes pa - knowing extinction [of defilements), cognition of exhaustion [R] [IW]

zad pa shes pa - knowing extinction [of defilements), cognition of exhaustion [in {bye smra}.liberates when realized]. [Tserig]; 1 of shes pa bcu; confidence that all that is to be abandoned has been [IW]

zad pa shes pa - knowing extinction [of defilements, cognition of exhaustion [IW]

zad pa shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition/wisdom which perceives/cognizes the cessation/exhaustion of corruption/ defilements [IW]

zad pa shes pa'i ye shes - The pristine cognition which perceives the cessation of corruption. or defilements. the wisdom of cognizing the exhaustion [of defilements / zag pa], the wisdom which perceives the cessation [of defilements], One of {ye shes gnyis} [RY]

yugs grib - mourning defilement [RY]

ye shes gnyis - Twofold Pristine Cognition. The pristine cognition which perceives the cessation of corruption. twofold pristine cognition of arhats. or defilements {zad pa shes pa'i ye shes} and the pristine cognition which perceives that corruption is not recreated {mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes} [RY]

g.ya' dri - defilement, blemish, stain [RY]

ra ri - fault, defilement, dirt, neither high nor low, moderate [JV]

ra ri - defilement, moderate, black stains [IW]

ra ri - defilement, moderate [RY]

rang bzhin gnas rigs - Naturally present potential applies to the mind essence present as the unobstructed potential for the qualities of dharmakaya arising from its empty aspect and the qualities of rupakaya arising from its manifest aspect. It is called 'all-ground wisdom' (kun gzhi'i ye shes) because of being the ground from which both samsara and nirvana arise and the 'defiled suchness' (dri bcas de bzhin nyid) because of being combined with defilement at the time of a sentient being. (YLS) (DKR) [RY]

rigs chen 'byed pa'i rnal 'byor - the yoga making one of good family [in the ancient texts, when the path of preparation is attained, though one has defilements, ldog pa med pas rigs nges pa'i phyir, it is called rigs chen 'byed pa'i rnal 'byor rnal 'byor lnga'i ya gyal zhig] [IW]

ro grib - defilement by a corpse [JV]

shin te ma - 1) humility, poverty; 2) impurity, corruption, defilement [IW]

bshan grib - defilement in slaughter pertaining to butchers, defilement from murder [JV]

sa bcu - Ten bhumis. The ten levels of a noble bodhisattva's development into a fully enlightened buddha. On each stage more subtle defilements are purified and a further degree of enlightened qualities is manifested: The Joyous, the Stainless, the Radiant, the Brilliant, the Hard to Conquer, the Realized, the Reaching Far, the Unshakable, the Good Intelligence, and the Cloud of Dharma [RY]

sun 'byin - angry words, discomfiting, assaulting the defilements [JV]

sems kyi dri ma yongs su dag pa - purifying his mental defilements [RY]

srid pa'i zag pa - the corruption of rebirth. corruption becoming. One of {zag pa gsum} the defilement of existence, contamination of becoming, {zag pa gsum}; corruption of becoming. One of {zag pa gsum} the corruption of rebirth [RY]

bsangs bsel - incense removes defilement [JV]