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Short description
Loppon Malcolm Smith [Kunga Namdrol]
Main teachers
HH Sakya Trizen, HH Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche, HE Jestun Kusho Chime Luding, Lama Migmar Tseten
Study Background
bka' bzhi pa degree: Sakya Institute of Buddhist Studies
Granted the title "slob dpon" by Lama Migmar Tseten
Finished three year retreat 1993-1997
Published Works
Short translations of the Experiential Songs of Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen in the Visions Series, Also published in Treasures of the Sakya Lineage, 2008
Active Projects
- rgyud sde spyi rnams -- Loppon Sonam Tsemo
- thub pa'i dgong gsal-=- Sakya Pandita
- lta ba shan byed -- Gorampa
- rin po che ljon shing -- Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen
Unpublished Works (completed)
rgyud sde spyi rnams -- Loppon Sonam Tsemo
thub pa'i dgong gsal-=- Sakya Pandita
lta ba shan byed -- Gorampa