Yoga of the Imagined Deity
gnyen po - means of suppressing taming abandoning eliminating pacifying, curing, overcoming, remedy, antidote, counter-agent, cure, opponent [IW]
gnyen po - antidote, counterpart, remedy, aids, countermeasures, extrinsic aid, relation, friend, sacred, helper, assistant, adversary, antagonist, adverse, in opposition [JV]
gnyen po - antidote, remedy [thd]
gnyen po kun tu spyod pa'i stobs - Power of the applied antidote [RY]
gnyen po kun tu spyod pa'i stobs - the power of the applied remedy; the antidote, the power of application [RY]
gnyen po kun tu spyod pa'i stobs - the power of the applied antidote/ applying the method [IW]
gnyen po kun tu spyod pa'i stobs - the power of the applied antidote. power of applying the method; power of engaging fully in antidotal techniques [RY]