Dorje Drakpo Tsal

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mnyam nyid nyon yid thugs dam rgya - commitment seal of buddha mind, which secures/ seals the mind of conflicting emotions in the pristine cognition/ wisdom of sameness GD [IW]

thugs - 1) mind [h]; 2) [h] prefix *, awareness, primordial state, buddha mind [Gd] heart, breast, feelings, spirit, primordial experience [IW]

thugs - h. of {sems} and {snying} makes non-honorific nouns honorific, awareness, primordial state, buddha mind. heart, breast, feelings, spirit, primordial experience; (enlightened) mind; Mind, Heart, Chitta [RY]

thugs dgyes pa{thugs - 1) mind [h] blo, yid, sems, {snying}; 2) [h] prefix thugs dogs, thugs sems, awareness, primordial state, buddha mind [Gd]. heart, breast, feelings, spirit, primordial experience [IW]

sangs rgyas kyi dgongs pa - buddha mind, the intent of the Buddha [RY]

sangs rgyas dgongs pa - buddha mind/ intention [IW]