Traga Rinpoche

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cog ro klu yi rgyal mtshan - Lui Gyaltsen. See Chok-Ro Lui Gyaltsen [RY]

cog ro klu'i rgyal mtshan - (alt. sp.): Chok-Ro Lui Gyaltsen and Chog-ro Lui Gyaltsen, (sometimes hyphenated, sometimes not.) Early Tibetan translator of great importance and one of the twenty-five disciples of Padmasambhava who recognized him as an incarnate bodhisattva. He worked closely with Vimalamitra, Jnanagarbha, Jinamitra and Surendrabohi. He is vital to the continuation of the Vinaya lineage in Tibet. Having attained realization at Chuwori, he aided Padmasambhava in transcribing and concealing terma treasures. The great tertön Karma Lingpa (14th cent.) is regarded as an reincarnation of Chok-Ro Lui Gyaltsen. RY